Fabian Knockwurst

Can’t readily discern in the Ahsoka saber fights when her attackers are droids and when they’re a skinny human in a droid suit, nor see any particular reason to see one as more or less a threat than the other.  Next up:  why even arm a droid with a sword when IG-11 demonstrates how short range and defensive that would

Just find a husky voice artist who’s pitch is within the same octave and can manage a credible belch; and/or other than was done for Solar Opposites, please.  Really, it doesn’t have to super close, but something other with less vocal distance that James Earl Jones - Don Knotts

Just “old”, and unworthy of any “Prof.” status. Thereby you’ve well and truly admonished my admonishments - well done!

I think it’s been announced that it’s Frankenstein, and it’s a very colorful, terrific character.

The main feature where this suffers is texting. If a means to rapidly key in letters (and not press a key three times to get a ‘V’) then this phone would answer all, and remain sleekly compact. And what is needed for that is a bluetoothed chorded keyboard. Yes, it would start out as a nerdy edge market, but then

Just as long as it ends with a teaser of a sequel based on Porky’s backstory

These were remarkably creative, and very well written, bits of animation. (The one with Donald and his lavish RV as opposed to Mickey’s roughing tent was particularly piquant “Roughing It”) Note above image: the ‘original’ Mickey had no need of oddball white three-line gloves.

silly, serious, silly, serious... well, as long as they don’t apparently get confused which is which. still... not to have Clint Howard at least mumble something about ‘tranya’ strikes one as a grave oversight.

Searched this fine posting for the string “L3" (or by extension “L3-37") and found none. wandered away shocked and disappointed (“I said: ‘Good day, Sir!’”)

It’s not going to a total dumpster fire fast enough! You promised me utter NFT markethood by now! well, that or twitter turned into an ISIS recruitment site. (‘both, both is good.’) Social media sites really ought to be even more ephemeral, like cheese left inside a car with the windows closed.

eh not the best possible voice replacement (should’ve been 47% more strident) but whatcanyado?  it’ll serve.

seems like we’ve done the greeblies in the nebula to death. ah well: s/strange new worlds/young kirk everywhere/

We were cheated a pointy-ear grow-back scene. got the macguffin re-Vulcan injection (check), ripped off the (actual) prosthetic ear points (check), enough magical genetic reprogramming that a mind-meld was possible (check))(though sadly lacking cello solo), and... next scene the ‘real’ pointy-ears are back. Couldn’t

the oddball question being:  why (oh why) does Thrawn look like elon musk?

With many series films the second one is closest to the peak. Not so the pirates of the caribbean!: they peaked with the first.

There is a pretty common psychological state wherein *if* one knows that a favorite character dies in the final chapter of a book; then that chapter often goes unread, (i’ll admit to doing that once or twice). It’s curious behavior as the ending thereby comes functionally early - but maybe we can accept a active

What a nicely bizarre film. Well done! Particularly well done is the frenetic though remarkably accurate body language. Just look at all the arm/hand/facial expressions and how ...well, expressive they are. Did they use a whole lot of motion capture as the excellent voice artists were delivering their lines?

If you insist on having a subhead as a question “Are people being killed by grimace shakes?” you’re guilt-edged required at some point to answer that question ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Sorry... i don’t make the  rules. (and yes, drinking seventeen or more mcdonalds shakes and jumping from a high building will kill you)

I’m more of a simpering Trek apologist that most of you(s) but that was simply poor writing start to finish. (Was this written prior to the writers’ strike?) What even was that secret Toronto’s institute’s function?: “All temporally critical items R us”?? And that time shifting garage opener; egads could you have more