
Once again, I love these pieces.

I love these types of pieces. Your writing is fantastic.

I really, really hate this comparison for a number of reasons. The first is, the hardware in your phone, namely the processor (ARM versus x86), is much different than the hardware in your laptop. Second, as others have pointed out, the battery life improvements are hardly due to battery improvements and almost

The particularly sad part about the Furai was that it was an actual car. I’d hoped that they might try to actually race the thing at some point, but alas.

I really, really want to play Xenoblade Chronicles X, but I don’t own a Wii U. I also feel like I’m absolutely being ripped off by paying $300 for a Wii U when the MUCH superior hardware of the PS4 or Xbone is the same price.

This is what irritates me so much about hybrid supercars. How much MORE performance could you get if you dropped the batteries and the electric motors? I bet that weight would drop by about 500 lbs. Can one really claim that the extra performance gained from the electric drivetrain is worth it?

Classic Doa. The LCK regular season is full is these discussions.

Maybe it doesn’t fit the criteria because there were a couple of them build, but I think that it’s a travesty that there’s no Mazda Furai on this list.

While a lot of these questions hit home and do indeed drive me nuts, I’m happy to give my opinion on what car someone should buy. A friend of mine actually bought the car I suggested and is pretty happy with it.

Why does C.J. Wilson have to be associated with so many things that I think are cool...?

I've always thought the seats in my 2002 WRX were pretty good. They're not the anything special, but I think they're the only seats I've sat in for 4+ hours of driving and not been uncomfortable or sore before the end of it. Granted, I haven't spent a lot of time in luxury cars, but for the money...

The Book of the New Sun is fantastic.

Not to take away from Piglet's skill (he is actually very, very good), but having Faker on your team is a huge benefit as an ADC. Watch any team fight versus SKT and see the opposing teams just kill themselves trying to focus Faker down all game.

I felt like DA:I was one of the better examples of a console game ported to PC (and it definitely was designed for a console). It's gorgeous and, on my system at least, performed very well. That UI, though...

Yup. Rengar is still a top jungle pick in Korea, too.

Needs a choice of "zero" for the first question if I can choose rotary.

Yes. That's the definition of a fast lane. That's what so many net neutrality supporters don't understand. That's how the internet works now. You take away fast lanes and all your content delivery services are going to be terrible.

It's like Out Run in real life.

I mean, I agree about the teams. I just don't think the V6s help that situation at all.

Maybe I've been misinformed, but don't the new engines cost way more than the old ones? Don't they also make less power (I know they make more torque.)? I can say for certain that the performance of the V8s across manufacturers was a lot closer than the V6s.