What a great and not at all pedantic comment. It’s so true. Not only do you have to pay for Gamepass, but you had to pay for a console, you had to pay for internet access, you had to pay for electricity, you had to pay for so many things!
What a great and not at all pedantic comment. It’s so true. Not only do you have to pay for Gamepass, but you had to pay for a console, you had to pay for internet access, you had to pay for electricity, you had to pay for so many things!
Well, yes, smartass. By encouraging people to overconsume a finite resource that directly leads to pollution and climate change by making the price artificially low, they are in fact hurting their citizens. Similar to meat subsidies and corn subsidies. If people had to pay the true cost of fuel, they might change…
Because the actual trans population is so very, very tiny and no one can give a single good answer as to why this is such a massive threat to humanity, I can only surmise that people (especially straight men, who cannot help but constantly weigh in on this issue publicly) are just afraid they are going to get Crying…
Spot on. Men are famously unconcerned with women’s physical attributes, and never have anything negative to say about their bodies. No guy I know has ever even commented on a woman’s appearance. It’s all about what’s on the inside.
You know America has reached peak absurdity when “Tan Mom” is the voice of reason in the republican party.
“a ban can’t pass” is the new “Roe is settled law” for the Republican party. We couldn’t possibly be plotting to ban abortion (and contraception and no-fault divorce and interracial marriage while we’re at it)! Put the very thought out of your heads. Just vote Republican for lower taxes and whatnot and we pinky swear…
Louis CK and Dave Chappelle seem to be doing just fine. Selling out arenas. You can now make a good living for yourself being an ant-woke, anti-cancel culture warrior. Do some episodes of Joe Rogan. Guest on FOX News.
Exporting the 2nd amendment. As if any country on earth wants daily school shootings. Any country other than the U.S. I mean.
A different perspective. LOL you’re a fucking dipshit. I didn’t even have to check your discussion history to know that, but I did anyway because I’m always entertained when you can tell the entirety of someone’s politics with just one short and incredibly stupid comment. Keep trolling, cunt.
But if the analogy is “cancer causing radio” then don’t they have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the radio causes cancer? Does anyone have any evidence that the watch history and preferences of TikTok users is a threat to national security?
Quick question. There’s a lot of “alleged” used in this post. It’s right in the headline, and here: “The alleged incident was caught on the airport’s CCTV cameras.”
The craziest thing to me about the Republican party is that on literally every issue they nail the problem but always, always get the source of the problem wrong. Yes, fentanyl is a huge problem. But not because it’s in Halloween candy or abortion pills. Yes, sex trafficking is a huge problem. But not because democrats…
Not surprising, really. It’s more shocking that people think this is some sort of new behavior. Sports fans riot in the streets when their teams win and get in drunken brawls at sporting events, and we just accept that behavior. But when it’s a music, especially a female artist for whatever reason (Swifties, the…
It is indeed a problem. We simply cannot rape and burn the world to the ground without unchecked consumerism and the almighty GDP. And we cannot generate massive wealth for a select few Capitalist overlords without an underpaid and overworked lower class churning out babies who will grow up into low-wage blue collar…
This is the world the “free speech absolutists” want on social media. Where each and every comment is given equal weight, no matter how banal or evil or misinformed. Not only that, but you’re forced to host those comments on your own platform. By their logic and utopian vision of freedom of speech you would not only…
Twitter as humanity’s collective consciousness. Christ, you pretentious silver-spooned dork will you please shut the fuck up. Yes, the 4% or whatever of people on earth who are on Twitter, or at least whatever percentage of that 4% are blue-checks so their opinions count, should stand for all of humanity as they bitch…
Wow, look at this hot young Republican firebrand with his radical new ideas such as: anti-trans, pro-Putin, anti-woke, abortion is murder, God, country, and unchecked capitalism raping the earth to cinders.
You don’t “feel” for anyone, you racist, sexist POS. You right wing dildos always have the same boring argument. If it wasn’t a gun it would have been X. And yet it’s ALWAYS a gun. Always. Despite those other things being just as freely available.
Oh, well that clears it up, Grimes. You fucking imbecile. He just hates “woke culture” whatever that means. And, I guess, the existence of trans people was caused by woke culture...makes total sense to me.
Good for her. But what I really want is to hear from more men who are mad at her because...reasons I guess? Because if you’re a woman online, you’re a whore if you create lewd content and you’re a money-grubbing bitch if you decide it’s no longer for you. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. And men’s feelings are…