Always great to hear from the whiny misogynists in the comments. But since you decided to weigh in, where does she say her supporters were terrible people? Because that seems to be the crux of you butthurt little bitch post.
Always great to hear from the whiny misogynists in the comments. But since you decided to weigh in, where does she say her supporters were terrible people? Because that seems to be the crux of you butthurt little bitch post.
Yep. It must be the wokes! Burn your Barbies and dump out your Bud Lights.
This is the nonsense that happens when we let social media drive “news” and cite comments on social media posts as if those count as sources.
Big shout out to Doughboys and Do You Need a Ride. Well worth it.
I realize you’re a racist troll, but let’s also look at how silly your argument is. You’re right, hating someone is not a crime. But that’s not even remotely the point. The reasons why a person committed a crime are always taken into account when punishment is doled out. If you commit a crime because you are a racist…
Infuriating. Even if it’s “only” 25%, which is absurdly low and certainly false, that’s one city. Imagine the numbers across the United States. Yet these MFers are really still trying to put the blame for child sex abuse on trans people and drag performers.
Quizzed her about LOTR. And she passed. Wow, every incels wet dream.
The cops have a lot of questions for the black guy swinging a chair. A lot more questions than they have when a white woman shoots a black woman through a door.
I know this will blow your mind, but there are only racists on one side.
Considering the sheer number of racist weirdos who troll this site on a daily basis, posting a comment this stupid is a real achievement. Congrats!
My pearls! I think I just saw a man getting topped by a bear. The conservatives were right. The gay agenda has led to the normalization of man/bear love. I’m so shocked I just wet my bloomers.
If we’re truly going to grapple with the history of slavery and racism in the educational curricula in this country, I cannot think of anyone more qualified than two white dudes. Once white people come to a consensus we can finally put these divisive issues to bed.
“But while most experts in education say the concept is intended for graduate level education...”
For people who didn’t think a coked-out bear was quite stupid enough as a premise for a movie. Holy shit this looks terrible.
I would just like to join the commenters in mansplaining female anatomy. Women’s moon cycles cause their dainty little knees to weaken once a month as the blood flows away from the ACLs to nourish their precious eggs. It’s just science, people. Yet these woke feminists complain that not enough research has been done.
Regardless of what side you are on, I think we can all agree that nothing will come of any of these indictments.
I sure hope not. Too woke! And god forbid they not adhere line by line to something that is so integral to the plot of that book that everyone has read and knows so well.
It’s still wild to me that in 2023 people still think it was a=okay that we dropped two nuclear bombs on civilian targets, killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese innocents. The patriotic brainwashing in this country is wild. Had any other civilization in history done this we’d be talking about what a massive war…
Okay dude with fighter jet avatar. When is the United States going to apologize for dropping 2 atomic bombs specifically on civilians, killing hundreds of thousands? Something that would go down in history as one of the worst war crimes ever committed if not for America’s mistaken belief that any atrocity is justified…
Beatlemania was like 60 years ago and people still seem baffled that music can work people up into a frenzy. And there were plenty of fuddy duddies back then who didn’t “get it” just like all the people today who bemoan Taylor Swift’s popularity.