
No YOU are the Nazi!

It is absolutely wild to me that people like this just get the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because he has millions of followers that have made him wildly wealthy by making, to use your own words “intellectually vapid content,” which is objectively what it is.

Art is inseparable from politics. It informs what the author writes about and how they write about it. The fact that you personally prefer to be completely ignorant and not question anything in the world around you does not and should not prevent others from doing so.

WTF are people carrying guns anyway? Imagine going through life thinking every single day that you will eventually need to shoot someone. Gun nuts are out of their goddamn minds.

You’re right, of course. Just a shame you wasted your comment on a well-known racist troll. Fuck that guy.

Judging from the majority of his comments, I’d say 800 is being awfully generous.

As someone who also hates the “git gud” crowd and for a long time was skeptical of Souls games for being too hard and inaccessible, I feel the need to respond to some of the negative comments here.

Since Jezebel is gone and you can’t comment on The Root, I see that all the right wing weirdos and trolls have migrated here. Lovely.

You are trash. Your entire comment history is transphobic, misogynist, right wing culture war doggerel.

LOL! Speaking of stupid, you couldn’t even be bothered to find the actual context of the comment, which as many others have pointed out, was NOT about Star Wars.

On the other hand, there’s a 95% chance that humans will cause human extinction. Biological and nuclear weapons, global warming, resource scarcity, water wars. You name it.

It doesn’t have to be allowed, but it can be. Let’s be very clear that you have not provided a single shred of evidence that nudity, especially implied nudity, causes real-world harm. That’s not entirely your fault because such evidence does not exist.

It’s just the general lack of respect for gaming. As much as it pains me to defend gamers, who are often enough pretty awful (see gamergate, et al.), no one tells a kid to go out and get some fresh air if they are spending all their time indoors reading books.

There’s quite a few that I’ve never played and have no desire to play, so I guess that counts as “not for me,” even though there’s always the chance I would actually like them if I tried: Minecraft, Pokemon, literally any fighting game or any game that relies on online multiplayer. No thank you I do not want to get

Most people can live perfectly happy normal lives without ever knowing what a nazi dogwhistle is.”

I know this is not an original thought, but it is wild how we were sold on the idea that access to “all the information in the world” via the internet would democratize information and lead to greater knowledge. And yet here we are, far, far stupider as a species. A simple internet search would resolve any questions

Just judging by the comments, I think it’s safe to say that the venn diagram of “car guys” and “gun guys” is a near perfect circle. Same arguments.

Avatar is such a strange IP. I get that it’s a generational thing, and yes the movies made X billion dollars or whatever, and we all know that is the only benchmark for quality. But it just isn’t in the zeitgeist at all. And I think part of the problem is, besides the generational thing, is that all the Na’vi look

I know this is a hot take, so please don’t come at me. But I think in this one you should be able to steal cars.

Dear Kotaku,