
LOL! You need to chill. How many fucking posts are you going to make about this movie? Your entire discussion history is just comment after comment about Barbie. To the point where you were just copying and pasting the same comments. You complain that people are hyping the movie too much, and yet here you are

“Comity”? This from the troll who uses the word “dims” in each and every one of his comments as a sick burn on democrats. Guess we can see who is truly dim. Go back to jerking off about cars on Jalopnik you fucking right wing weirdo.

Damn, dude. Do you even have a job? Who has time to just comment the same shit over and over, copying and pasting the same comments multiple times. I see you’re a regular troll over on The Root putting in some real work every time race comes up.

The issue isn’t whether social media changes people’s political views. The problem is that it facilitates the dissemination of misinformation and vastly increases political stratification. You can’t turn a conservative into a liberal by force feeding them a bunch of posts by liberals. Hell, you can’t change their

I love how people try to draw parallels between Barbie and the Qanon movie. Conservatives are burning their dollies and review bombing. Liberals are pointing out that Sound of Freedom was created by a grifter and is being pushed by lunatics, aside from not being a well-crafted movie. Totally the same reactions.

That’s a hell of straw man you’ve built. Impressive. But let’s pretend your nonsense is true. If you’re giving an objective, unbiased critique of the cinematography, characterization, and pacing of a film, you are not being called any of those things.

Well of course. Libraries are full of books. And books are full of information and ideas. Some of which can be quite subversive to the fundamentalist Christian flag humpers who are afraid that kids might grow up learning about things like slavery and Jim Crow and internment camps. They might learn that gay people are

What an incredibly stupid take. Megan Fox is 1000 percent in the right here and her “fans”, and this article, are garbage. Sure, she could pay the bill herself. She could pay for a lot of things. Perhaps her nail tech, who may or may not be close friends with Fox, doesn’t feel comfortable asking this rich client for

Granted, the only reason Conservatives have abandoned their free market ideology when it comes to “big tech” is because they wrongly believe they are being censored and because they (also wrongly) believe “big tech” is involved in some left wing child sex cult nonsense. But it’s still nice to see even a glimmer of

“Would you bone X” is the “is a hot dog a sandwich” for Jez readers. If ya’ll are so horny for interspecies sex, there’s a whole planet of actual creatures out there for you to satisfy your curiosity.

The feminine mind. JFC. Nice role model for young women who want to get into racing. You can’t do it. Your frail little girly mind can’t handle turning a steering wheel or pressing on a pedal.

She wasn’t allowed to say the thing that she literally said? Hmmm. There’s a good chance you don’t know what “allowed” means.

We did listen to her. And she said something stupid. So she is being called out for saying something stupid. Much like I’m doing with your incredibly stupid comment. But thanks for chiming in. I’m sure you’re a proud feminist. LOL.

LOL. Christ you are in insufferable dipshit. How old are you? Your comments are some of the stupidest things I’ve ever read on this site. And that’s a hell of an accomplishment. Another edgelord troll. Yawn.

These are the same types of misogynist assholes who suddenly started caring (of course they don’t really care) about women’s sports when the issue of trans athletes became the hot topic of conversation. Then it was about how they were trying to save the sanctity of female athletes. Sure thing, guys.

As someone who doesn’t play many first person shooters and never online multiplayer, I have zero interest in these games. But given how massively popular they are, it totally makes sense that such a huge contingent of gamers are toxic a-holes who hate women. When you spend the vast majority of your time cosplaying as

Well, sure. The Florida Board of Education is simply filled with so many black people. They are well-qualified to approve standards for teaching black history. Oh, wait...

I’m going to continue my highly-effective strategy for combating misinformation: not relying on social media for news.

I think you would be less obvious as a Russian troll account if you worked on your English a little. You’re almost there, comrade!

You’re a dipshit troll who impersonates other people’s accounts just so you can leave comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the articles in question. Gonna acknowledge that? Christ, your life must absolutely suck. LOL.