It’s a weird flex to publicly declare your lack of empathy. Hey, everybody, I’m an asshole! Well thanks for sharing.
It’s a weird flex to publicly declare your lack of empathy. Hey, everybody, I’m an asshole! Well thanks for sharing.
It’s pretty depressing to see how the Right has succeeded in turning natural allies into enemies. Plenty of gay people and feminists have subscribed to the same conservative ideology over this issue. Especially the completely nonsensical argument that the existence of a tiny, tiny number of trans athletes somehow will…
Seems at least a little weird to include “mirror sex” and “gooning” as examples of KID culture.
I know you’re a troll dipshit (this is the “dudebraa” or whatever account. I can see this new account discussions are exactly the same as that old account), but I think it’s important for you to understand that any anger “liberals” are expressing is directed at you for being a stupid cunt. Nothing to do with the movie.
They ALL want to work you fucking nimrod troll. And the only way they are going to get this resolved is through the unions they were “forced” into.
I’ve not read the book, and I only have a passing familiarity with Haidt’s work, so I’m not going to attempt to bash the work or you for championing it. But I find it interesting that this all seems to boil down to blaming psychological fragility on the younger generations without critiquing the society those…
Of course men care. What planet do you live on? All this nonsense is men driving what women should look like and how they should behave in order to be the “perfect woman.” Have you never once read the comment from men on literally anything that a woman posts on social media?
Are people up in arms because if they see a picture of a kid and then see a picture of an attractive woman immediately after they will be horny and confused?
No one is defending them. What kind of argument is this? Everyone knows these were horrific crimes. She’s 73 years old. You think she is a threat to society? How many cases can you cite where a 73yo woman got out of prison and went on to murder someone? I’m guessing zero, just like the rest of us.
She’s 73 years old. Essentially unemployable, and unless she goes to extraordinary lengths to conceal her identity, will be harassed and run out of town on a rail. The odds that she will kill again are astronomically low.
So we’re supposed to stop “beating around the bush” by labeling someone a pedophile and rapist without any evidence of that? Sounds like her mother was mentally ill. But no, instead of just taking the words of the daughter, let’s jump to conclusions like you’re doing. That makes way more sense.
Another misogynist dipshit with a hot take blaming the victim.
Yeah, I definitely always assumed that young Willy Wonka was super hot and could fly.
Probably because this is literally the weakest case for “grooming” you could possibly make. I looked through all the screenshots (god help me what a waste of time) and I didn’t see any evidence he was building some sort of intimate relationship with someone he knew was a minor in order to exploit or abuse her. He also…
Nothing gets male nerds more angry than any suggestion that female characters in media aren’t treated with the same respect as male characters. Something that is objectively true.
“Highly Successful and Widely Respected Comedian Deemed Unfunny by Random Dipshit in Comments Section of Obscure Website.”
This is sort of why I don’t 100% believe that Epstein’s death was a hit to prevent him talking. To be clear: I mostly believe it was. But stuff like this happens pretty regularly. Serial killers who target children, child molesters, etc. are the most hated inmates and are often targets of attacks like this. This is…
Welcome to Biden’s America where anyone can just customize their genitals. The woke left has gone too far. Bunch of biological half-orcs unfairly competing against githyankis. It’s a travesty.
“Women can be dangerous stalkers too.”
All the misogynists in the comments can eat shit.