
Other than for clicks for the article, on what planet is Elden Ring a “samurai game”? Just because there’s a samurai build? You seem to mostly be talking about PvP as well, which would make it even less samurai oriented.

Not nearly everyone. Maybe nearly all Conservatives. Certainly you. Certainly the guys sharing racist jokes and memes on their little server.

Look. JK Rowling has terrible, hateful politics and she should be constantly reminded of that. She should lose money because of it. She spreads lies and bigotry in the name of protecting women. But women are under no existential threat from trans people. That is objectively false. You simply cannot argue that a

And then the upset customer leaves a bad tip or no tip at all, which is the entire problem with the tipping model in America. The server is going above and beyond. To explain to you, a dumb full-grown adult, something very basic. They are taking time out to indulge your stubborn buffoonery and then you blame the

It’s hard to care much about which hot young person is currently porking which, though I know it’s an incredibly popular pastime for many people. But what I will say is “Cole Sprouse” is the most punchable name I’ve ever heard for a human being. It’s like something out of a Dickens novel. There’s just no way you can

Are we supposed to be mad at the Jews for this like we get mad when vegans force their dietary regiments on their pets? Also, if your pet isn’t kosher, is it subject to 39 leashes?

Great news for those who think any and all technological progress must be a good thing and cannot possibly have negative repercussions. Yes, it’s wonderful for us in the present that technological advances of the past freed our ancestors from difficult, often dangerous jobs. But it also displaced many workers, most of

Are we all even reading the same study? Nothing in the study suggests that low to moderate levels of drinking significantly increases the risk of mortality:

Crime is also against the law, but people still do it. Therefore we should not have laws.

I agree with this empathetic guy. Fuck those “jungle dwellers.” We should do to them what we did to the native Americans. Wipe them out, force them onto reservations, and rape their lands to maintain our reliance on the automobile. This is progress. This is capitalism.

Ya, I’m with you. It’s totally cool for an 87 year old man to ask a child to suck his tongue. Nothing to see here.As if we’ve never seen a religious figure be disgusting towards children.

Term limits + upper age limit for politicians, or at the very least regular testing of their cognitive faculties and physical health. We don’t need to be a nation run by people who were born during the fucking dust bowl.

Have Star Wars fans overtaken Star Trek fans as the worst, most annoying fanbase in all of media? Now that we’ve reached complete media saturation with this franchise that there would be enough stuff for fans to just be like “okay, this thing is for me, but this other thing is not for me and that’s fine.” But that’s

Aside from the fact that Conservatives are passing laws to solve a problem that never existed in the first place, I just honestly have to ask: what material harm is being done to you by trans people existing? They aren’t forcing you to transition. They aren’t forcing your kids to transition. And if the parents of

“I hope you get raped by cops and are forced to carry the rape baby and die giving birth, misandrist.”

You are a profoundly stupid person.

How are we supposed to stop complaining and embrace steak fries when, as you pointed out, 99% of them aren’t cooked correctly? We’re just supposed to choke that dogshit down because on some philosophical, theoretical level steak fries have the potential to be good? That makes no sense.

I can’t wait for someone to make a movie that is not an existing IP fueled solely by nostalgia and toxic fandom. The Star Wars and MCU-ification of all media is ruining cinema.

I didn’t see you mentioned in the article. So who is labeling you a misogynist? No one in the comments either. You seem awfully upset for someone who hasn’t been accused of anything.

“In college, this number only increases to fewer than 500 of the roughly 219,000 women who compete collegiately.”