
Look, decorate potatoes if that’s what you feel like you need to do. But if you truly can’t afford a few dozen eggs to decorate for Easter, then you can’t afford to celebrate Easter. Maybe get your finances in order if egg prices are breaking you.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: who cares? The old lyrics still exist. A new version with different lyrics doesn’t replace the old. It merely adds to it. If you don’t like it, then don’t watch it.

I agree. We should definitely kowtow to right wing fascists and their manufactured outrage.

It’s this type of nonsense that always makes me wonder how people can possibly paint Biden and 99% of Democrats as Left wing communists. Racism, ignorance, and class privilege run deep in the Democratic party. And it’s a goddamn shame that this is the best we can do because the other side is batshit crazy.

A “thug.” Shut up, you basement dwelling dipshit. She’s already accomplished more in her life than you ever will.

I love it. Rather than actually addressing the issues through expanded access to healthcare, including drug and mental health treatment, and affordable housing, let’s just set up a bunch of giant speakers and blast them Marty McFly style out of the area. Problem solved.

There will be no more Republicans. Ya, okay. Why are you amplifying this nonsense? Just to give anxiety-stricken liberals the false sense that things will be okay if we just wait long enough for the Republican party to die. It’s already dead and has morphed into something far more dangerous.

How could he not make that link, and why are you defending such a colossally ignorant statement (and why are people starring this)? Pedophilia is not just some “urge” people have. It’s a mental disorder and mis-wiring of the brain that leads someone to only be sexually attracted to children, and it’s a particularly

Just reading the comments reminds me of the absurdity of our attitude towards tipping in this country and how miserly people are. Just leave a tip. It’s not that hard and 9 times out of 10 it’s not a financial burden. Oh, you got a coffee and have some extra change left? Drop a buck and/or some change in the tip jar.

NBC had a diversity initiative that offered financial incentives to hire minorities, so the show saved money by hiring a relative unknown who otherwise might not have got the opportunity. From what I understand he had sent writing samples to Miner and they were impressed. And he shared a WGA award for his work. So

I feel like a lot more people are complaining about too much hand holding in games, and I totally sympathize with that. Having it be a toggle, or tied to the difficulty setting seems like the best options. Personally, it doesn’t really bother me too much for the most part because I’m usually tuning it out.

Just another mythical “good guy with a gun” we always hear about.

For once I’m in the majority. I didn’t make it past episode 2. It was just boring, slow, and it looked like shit. It’s kind of hard to go from the movies (which I mostly liked) to the comparatively low budget look of a television show.

Look, I hate Trump as much as the next guy and I’m quite sure he’s broken many laws, but let’s be honest for a second. Does anyone really think this billionaire megalomaniac with access to a massive team of lawyers and the power of the entire Republican party behind him is going to actually be convicted of anything?

Ditto with the word “Leftist.” Since their definition is always just “Communist,” which they also cannot define.

Can anyone explain to this woke leftist what exactly is lost and what material harm they experience if a game removes offensive stereotypes and deigns to employ women and minorities? Your experience is somehow ruined if a female character is treated as anything but a sex object? You can’t enjoy a game unless it has

LOL. I mean if that’s what you think it is then you clearly agree with that reasoning.

Seems like most people have the correct take. He told them flat out what they would get if they hire him. And that’s exactly what they got. It’s odd to criticize Rogen for being himself.

Elden Ring is the only one of these games that I’ve played, so I can’t participate in these rankings in good faith. However, I can say confidently that Elden Ring is the best video game I’ve ever played. In fact, I would rank it up there with some of the best movies, television shows, and works of literature that I

Same. They better have an airtight slam dunk of a case against him because it’s going to be bad enough as it is with all the people who will be ready to storm the capitol. Again. I have so much Trump fatigue at this point that I don’t believe for a second he will face any real consequences.