
You’re right. That’s not a problem. Just force all the poors to use America’s world-renowned mass transit systems that are so convenient. Especially for people who can’t afford to live near work. What a future it will be!

Fans of something are mad about something online? No way! This is shocking news to me.

“you have to be very careful”

Ah, the glory of at will employment. What a wonderful system. Capitalism!

I love this idea that if you just troll around for one or two black people who are okay with white people using the n-word then that means all black people are cool with it.

I honestly can’t tell if this is just a bad take or if you have a profound misunderstanding of what criticism is. Yes, an algorithm can analyze what you are listening to and feed you more of the same so you can sit passively absorbing content without thought. But it cannot provide criticism. It cannot thoughtfully

Oh, the poor child! This is abuse! Ya, okay folks.

I mean those are just Old English names. It’s not as if Elden Ring invented them out of thin air, even if they popularized them. That’s like saying everyone named Mario must have been conceived by people who were big fans of the NES.

There’s no bigger proof of the systemic misogyny in our society that there is now a very vocal minority (or majority if you include the Fox News contingent) of people who assume every single domestic abuse allegation is a woman lying, trying to get fame and money, etc. Despite the fact that something like 30% of women

Because the books aren’t banned. They are separate editions. Why is this so hard to understand? You can still get the old versions of the books. You can still read them. They didn’t suddenly disappear because a different version was printed. Do people really not get that?

LOL relax dude. The other editions of the books still exist. This level of hysteria needs to stop. You’re as bad as the other side with this ridiculous hyperbole. Just go on Amazon. You can still buy Mein Kampf for Christ’s sake. If that’s still in print then Agatha Christie’s books will still be available in all

I get that this is pretty stupid. Who is it really for? Are there that many people demanding revised “woke” editions of these books? I guess time and sales will tell.

Oh, no. Another important Conservative voice being silenced by big tech, or something. Maybe Elon Musk can bail him out.

Absolutely deserved. Sandler is one of the greats. Though reading the comments I’m reminded how the vast majority of Kinja users don’t seem to understand what comedy is. It’s like a battle over who can say “I never liked (insert name of comedian), they were never funny” the fastest.

Huh. Well, I’m sure glad you’re not in charge of awarding the prize. I get that we grow up and our sense of humor evolves, but dick and fart jokes and silly voices will never not be funny and, hopefully, never go out of style.

I’m fine with the lack of explicit boning down, but I will be crushed if you can’t at least romance some freaky looking alien. Because isn’t that what Man has dreamed of since first he looked up at the stars?

So you’re fine taking quality time away from your partner for every other aspect of a video game that’s probably going to be 100+ hours long, but you draw the line at spending maybe 10 total minutes of completely optional gameplay if it’s sex related? I mean why play video games at all when you can do literally

Yes, if you forced someone to do something like that people would be justifiably upset. But keep the “duuurrrr wHaT iF Da roLEs wErE revERsEd?” bullshit going.

Starting to? I mean I thought I was late to the game months and months ago in reading “her” posts as a solid commitment to a bit.

Self defense? The MFer pulls his gun out and extends it low and across the passenger seat well before the guy he cutoff even pulls up next to him. So this type of thing happens often enough to him that he’s ready to empty a clip or at least brandish his gun at every person who he pisses off in traffic.