
Mark Duplass made a movie with his brother that I hated with such a blinding rage that I get mad at people who work with them now. For example, I don’t even watch The Mindy Project, and I’m pissed at Mindy Kaling for allowing them to be on that show. It’s like they contaminate everyone they work with by association

Oh, man, this is a loss to every little girl out there who is uninterested in what little girls are “supposed to like”! I loved her stuff as a kidlet. I think she is what led to my love of horror. My progression went a little something like this: Nancy Drew books and on tv in grade school to Lois Duncan and ‘60s

Because of my background (fortysomething, lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest, went to college in Seattle, lots of friends who went to college in Olympia), his name always makes me think of Calvin Johnson, but this Calvin Johnson:

Well, I was actually sitting on the remote. That really helped speed the finding part along.

Based on the half hour or so of the first movie I sat through before I remembered I was at home and had a remote control I could use to make the movie stop (I was really stoned, guys. It took a while to figure things out, and then I had to *find* the remote, which took even longer), I’m not sure those two are actually

I am available any time for casting and script consultations. My fee can be paid in snacks and makeup.

I miss my former meth house neighbors, too! And for similar noise reasons, although in my case, I now have loud douchebags who like to sit on their patio directly my bedroom window and talk VERY VERY LOUDLY until after midnight (I have to get up at 5am), not ranchero music at six in the morning. They’re so loud I can

Really? Not Lord+Taylor?

I think my dream romantic pairing for one of these movies right now would be Helen Mirren and Dwayne Johnson. I have only seen the first, so I don’t even know if he’s in them, but it seems like the two of them together would be perfect for this franchise. He would be the trophy husband. She would be whatever she wants

Pleasepleasepleaseplease*please* let her be the mastermind behind some huge caper.

I was just trying to figure out what to have for lunch, and this cinched it: carnitas burrito, no cilantro (allergies and therefore the reason I have never eaten at Chipotle). Thank you for this public service!

This guy stabbed her with scissors, in case that helps you discard the possibility that this is the same guy. And it was more than ten years ago in the Pacific Northwest. And I am experiencing a bizarre amount of deja vu right now: I could swear I’ve had this exact discussion in comments before, and the other person

My childhood dentist (4th grade through college) went to prison for murdering his estranged wife.

Other things that take longer: Finding my keys, waiting for the base coat on my nails to dry, cleaning the toilet, baking one of those cheap frozen pizzas in the red package (Totino’s, I think). Hell, preheating the oven to bake said pizza.

I’ve submitted a request to an indie makeup company I know. Now we wait to see if it happens.

Right? I want eyeshadow and nail polish that color. Call it “When I Am 90.” Alternately, “Royal Green.”

I thought the golf course was being built in Ireland and that Northern Ireland is considered a separate country.

[very small voice] I hate bread pudding. I had a problem with migraines as a kid, and certain foods would make me puke. We had bread pudding one night for dessert after we also had what we later realized was one of my trigger foods. Barf all over the wall. Even the thought of bread pudding has made me queasy ever

Sorry about the delay! The passcode thing is all manual, and I get up at 5:30 on Sundays to keep my sleepcycle in check, so I was asleep when you PM'd. But your code has been sent! Thanks!

CONTINGENCY PLAN CENTRAL! I’ve got r/snsjezzies set up on Reddit. It’s private, so you will need to click the message mods button to get a passcode. Post that passcode here (as a reply to my comment so I get a notice. Otherwise, I might not see it) so we can connect your usernames there and here. This route means no