
My dad is a Vietnam vet who has been known (over the past ten years or so) to go camping in national parks over the holiday specifically to get away from fireworks because they are apparently banned there. At least they’re banned in the ones he went to. I didn’t put this together with his PTSD until relatively

It has been Shark Week (as in Discovery Channel Shark Week, not Give Me Potato Chips and Chocolate Shark week), so nails this week were Espionage Cosmetics Sharks!

But but but! There was that chalkboard listing a whole bunch of vegan milk alternatives!

One of my former kitties loved to curl up with her head in my bras (she would drag them out of the dirty clothes hamper) and her nose very specifically at the armpit area. And with her snout buried in my shoes, but only the ones I had just been wearing most recently. And one current kitty likes to groom the back and

FILLS with Ether. Gah. Totally missed that typo until after I was locked out of editing.

Every single time I see “Dame Dash,” my brain feels with Ether. And then I feel SO OLD because I always think it just came out a few years ago, but it's been FIFTEEN YEARS. A decade and a half feels like three years to me nowadays.

Can we get an edit where all of her scenes/lines/shots are replaced by Paul Rudd? It's not like you would have to do much digging to find footage of him during that era. Like... Minute eight.

Y’know, I was so distracted by their awkward pose — clearly structured to ensure the photographer could get the clearest picture of their faces possible — that I didn’t even *notice* that little castle until just now.

It’s like every single PhD I have ever met: They might be a genius at their course of study, but they are complete fucking idiots at pretty much everything else. Also, he might be one of those actors who are only as good as their director. No director = phenomenally shitty pretending.

You are not alone in this reaction. My second reaction: What the everloving *fuck*? She didn't *already* have a star?

Yes to the wear with leggings. No to the lo mein. I’m more of a sweet and sour chicken fan. Except if this garment — whatever you want to call it — is loose, it will twist and get all bunched up around your boobs while you’re snuggling down into the couch with your cats during Hulu catchup binges. Source: My preferred

This was the first thing I noticed, too! It took me a few readings before I could track who was in which state, especially because “Snow” would be an appropriate name to associate with both states.

I have a name that was super uncommon when I was growing up (it’s super common now), and my spelling was even more uncommon at the time (although it seems to have become slightly more popular in the ‘80s). When I was in the sixth grade, I was finally in a class with someone with the then-common spelling. Our teacher

My immediate thought was “as soon as she needs material for another album.” But I think it would need to be closer to November 2017 in order to get full use out of the Thor: Ragnarok publicity machine, so we might have a long road ahead of us. It *could* be March for Kong: Skull Island because I have a really bad

Heeeey, I used to work a few blocks from that one! I still walk by it once in a while, and I always feel this weird urge to go in and ask a whole lot of very pointed questions, much like you might have the urge to jump off a bridge or run your car into a tree.

“You’re wearing makeup! Do you have a hot date tonight?” *stabstabstab* Because there’s apparently no way I’m wearing it solely for myself because I like it.

I just finished their series today! It was super fascinating. I’ve read a ton about people leaving/trying to leave, but that was the first time I had ever heard about what it was like to start the process to join. I kind of want to see the videos they had to watch, but definitely not enough to set foot in one of their

Fuck, yeah, Lady Mormont! New favorite character. Well, yeah, I loved her from her first appearance, but that dressing-down of her elders? Best scene with a child actor I've seen in *ages*.

I actually had to look around and figure out where those sounds were coming from because I have a cat who makes those exact noises instead of meowing! He wouldn’t be half as cute as he is if he made normal cat sounds. (He can’t purr, either.)

Those people are assholes just trying to piss us off and ruin cute things for us. I can’t seem to get too upset about animals acting like animals, though. The next thing they’re going to scream about is how lions hunt and kill zebras and giraffes.