Yeah, the problem is that it’s my mom’s baby sister, who has always been like a junior mom to me my entire life. That's probably why she acts like this: She thinks she got promoted. Not so much.
Yeah, the problem is that it’s my mom’s baby sister, who has always been like a junior mom to me my entire life. That's probably why she acts like this: She thinks she got promoted. Not so much.
Whoops, I created the wrong thing! Now it's there, created by one of my other Reddit personalities.
Okay, since chat triggers anxiety issues for me, r/snsjezzies is go! if you want access, just click the message mods button to request it, and then post your passcode after this comment so I can make sure I see it.
I’ll go ahead and brag about this even though I found out a few weeks ago, and it’s kind of silly to be this happy about it, but I am: My baby brother has bifocals. I DO NOT! Hah! Suck it, guy who didn’t get glasses in the third grade and didn’t start wearing them on a daily basis until college!
Huh. You’re assuming he will allow you to wake up. Interesting.
Hot damn I figured out an authentification process to keep out trolls that wouldn’t involve email. Okay. So. Someone would need to create the sub (if no one is willing to do it because of the rest of the maintenance steps, I would be willing to do so. I’m already a mod somewhere, so I’m online doing stuf every night…
PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY! Long-distance skritches from way over here! He will most likely convey his name to you shortly. I had one kitty who took a week to do that. I actually had a name all picked out for him after I met him and agreed with him that he did in fact need to live with me, but then when I got him home a week…
Cleaning. I’m *always* procrastinating on cleaning. I have an electrician coming over later in the week, though so I really and truly have to do this. I have this weird Thing where I can’t get my shit together and clean if I have to leave my apartment and run even a single errand, though. I have to be home all day.…
These were my nails (sigh. Ever notice how you never notice cuticle issues or excess top coat until you go to post the photo?) this week! More Espionage Cosmetics wraps, but this time, they’re from the BOOM!Box subscription. Box theme this time around: Nature. These particular wraps were based on turquoise, and I was…
Ooh, those eyes. That look. You will never see his plot coming. You will probably not even realize it’s happening until it’s all over, and you are picking the shards of your life out of the ceiling.
No suggestions, but this is the sort of thread I wish I automatically could get updates on when I forget it’s here. This is my lunch problem, too. Except I’m within walking distance of a bunch of places, which makes it hard (ETA: motivation-wise) to pack lunch since I can just pop downstairs or across the street and…
I haven’t tried it (my skin concern is DRY AS HELL), but I’ve heard nothing but raves about Shea Terra (that’s the brand) African Black Soap and SH Rose Hips Black Soap (I usually see it called a liquid, but I remember it being really thick, like caramel sauce).
Aaand... There’s nothing wrong with being ace. Or aro, for that matter. It’s a thing. A real thing.
Well. That got more personal than I had planned.
All of the paranoia over here. My mom had spies (teachers *and* students) all over my high school who told her every single thing I did. It’s been more then twenty-five years, and she passed away almost fourteen years ago, but I still have this major panic when I start thinking that someone is paying attention to me…
Closed sub + another burner account? I would be in. I keep creating them on Reddit because of the circles I run in. I don’t want certain people to know I’m saying certain things. Therefore, multiple accounts! Yay!
Especially things that don’t actually truly affect them! (No, “feeling icky” does not count.) It’s not like they are being required to fill out a form and maintain a gender identity that does not conform to how they feel they should live — unlike how they want to force trans/gender fluid/non-binary people to live. Why…
Same. I like this group of imaginary friends better than my other two groups of imaginary friends!
I frequently have to do it around this time of the month due to data plan issues. It is HORRIBLE.