
Yeah, I am totally lost as far as actual rent prices go aside from knowing there is no way in hell I could get a place in this city if I didn’t already have this one, although it *is* month-to-month, not on a lease. I moved into it back in 2009 when things in this town were *very* different and haven’t so much as

Actual logistical tip: If you’re seriously planning on moving to PDX, start saving and looking for a place to live *now*. Housing is getting nightmarish both in availability and cost. A two-bedroom apartment for $1000 a month — with no parking or washer/dryer — is considered an absolute bargain in most neighborhoods,

I *almost* made it through the first paragraph before the revulsion kicked in and fortunately prevented me from getting any further.

Ugh, the comment about powwows really makes my skin crawl. It really looks like they’re adopting A NATIVE CHILD! LOOK! HOW EXOTIC AND/OR CHRISTIAN! I watch Korean thrillers. That totes means I get dibs on a Korean baby, right?

There’s something about the way this was phrased that makes me think that this is nothing more than bullshit intended to make the Cruz team panic and scramble to figure out WTF he’s talking about — and to get his fanbase frothing at the Cruz camp.

SAME HERE! Except I honestly thought he meant that thirty marked the break between Youth (first act of life) and Middle Age (second act), and as someone who had a very definite and serious life-changing event at that age, it made complete sense. Totally didn’t see where his finger actually was until I read the

Have you tried perfume *oil*? My issue with mainstream perfume turned out to be the perfumers’ alcohol. Some notes are still a problem (I can’t wear anything described as “white”), but at least I can wear *something*. I discovered indie perfume oils nine years ago and haven’t looked back. It can be awkward when your

There are not enough drugs in the world to get me to watch this. Not even a hate-watch. And I watched *Pixels*.

It’s the GenXers fault. We heard it and went “Meh, teenybopper sh— Wait. *Who* produced this? The Dust Brothers? Fucking *genius* song.” We were still climbing out of the grunge era and needed something that *sounded* happy and hopeful, even if it was just musically and not lyrically.

I’m seriously considering the possibility that they don’t have taste buds, so their food enjoyment comes entirely from texture. In that case, I wouldn’t eat tomatoes, either.

Pleaseplease*pleeeaze* have some present-day!Tonya stuff actually filmed in the town where she currently lives. I really just want to see Margo Robbie in Yacolt. (That was part of my high school/college stomping grounds. My dog *loved* it when I took him out there for walks. It is very much *not* where I would ever

Yes. This. She has the potential to do a hell of a lot more than a president because she could conceivably hold her seat for *decades*. This was Ted Kennedy’s seat, after all.

Heh. My two dream jobs in the tv/movie industry have always been special effects makeup and casting director. At this point in my life, I would pick casting director because the hours are better. If anyone wants to offer me the job, I would take it in a heartbeat!

I didn’t remember that, but now that you mention it, that does sound vaguely familiar. I listen to a podcast that is so appalled by his sandwich comment that it has become their shorthand for asshole misogynist, so that’s what immediately comes to mind about him. This podcast also hates respectability politics, so

I’m convinced it’s going to be Bucky. And that it’s happening in the next movie. And that Cap and Iron Man will both be killed off. It will be easier on my heart to go in expecting to be devastated (I also went into the series finale of Breaking Bad assuming everyone but Holly was going to be killed), and then there

Don’t forget Anthony Mackie on Wendy Williams: “Make Daddy a sandwich!” I’m convinced we will never see Falcon or Hawkeye standalone movies because Disney saw their press tours and said, “Oh, fuck, we cannot have these two being front and center for a movie. As sideshows, okay. But to carry the whole junket? No.”

I find Hawkeye a lot easier to deal with if I pretend he’s played by Nathan Fillion.

Hmm... Am I the only one who notices all of the cold meds in the counter? It looks like Tylenol Cold, Alka Seltzer for colds, and something else. My immune system is legendary around work (I didn’t even catch whooping cough when the guy who sits next to me at work had it for TWO WEEKS before he finally went to the

I dithered too long and missed the brow launch! I don’t need brow taming, just a little darkening (aging sucks), so I think the pencils will be perfect for my purposes.

As someone who spends a lot of time around someone with a spelling variant of Megyn, I have to say that “crazy Megyn” bugs me because, yes, SO LAZY. There are *much* better ways to put that. As a longtime Bangles fan (I think you *have* to be a longtime fan of theirs at this point because of their active era) as well