
Yay! He’s a sign of spring for me. For some reason, whenever I see him, he’s pretty much always at the jewelry store corner of the Broadway/Morrison intersection with his shopping bags in hand, getting ready to cross Morrison, at about 12:15 during lunch. No clue why it’s *that* specific.

Yeah, this one is more appropriate. He looks kind of like a sleazier Sean Penn to me in this one, which seems accurate.

We have a blue guy! He’s got to be in his 60s, and he even dyes his beard — and wears blue makeup over his entire face. Like the Blue Man Group, except if it was applied by a someone who wasn’t a makeup artist. It might even be fingerpaint. I haven’t seen him in months (and, weirdly, I always seem to see him at a

Just, like, “the warehouses by Powell’s,” to differentiate them from the SE warehouses.

Well, true, but... Have you actually *seen* Godspell? That scene is basically a bunch of hippie clowns tying another hippie clown to a cyclone fence, and everyone is fully clothed, and no blood is shed. I actually didn’t know what I was seeing at the time. It took me *decades* to figure out what movie it was and

I loved the Pearl in the ‘90s when it was all sketchy warehouses and wasn’t called the Pearl. I have very fond memories of driving slooooowly in the dark on rainy November evenings with a postcard in one hand while listening to the Stone Roses and asking my best friend, “What’s that building number? Is that the right

Portland. Don’t bother trying to move here, though. Housing costs are skyrocketing at record levels, and that’s assuming you’re lucky enough to find a place. Houses in my neighborhood have been selling in one day for thousands above the asking price.

Joining the G-rated-movie-terrified-me gang: Godspell. I hid behind the furniture during the crucifixion scene.

Hell, the theatre across the street from me (which has a no-kids-after-a-certain-time rule) even removes this issue: They offer babysitting for certain screenings. $9.50 per kid for the length of the movie. And I don’t think it’s the only one in town that offers this. I just know it because it’s the one I go to the

One *major* reason: It could point to a qpattern of behavior. “Do you have missing periods of time followed by disheveled clothing?” In short: Did he do this to *her*?

I want to know about this Rebecca Brown performance. “Choreographed recital in Pioneer Square” probably means “random person dancing around on the middle of the Square while everyone just kind of sits around eating lunch from a food cart and decidedly not paying attention to her unless they are taking pictures for

Bad writing. “Gun” = his artificial penis. “Armed Posse” = his buddies with guns. “Pressed” = press conference. Long version: He hitched up his gun belt and called a bunch of other armed asshats supporting him to parade around in front of cameras for a chest-puffing session.

Welp, I got to the first question mark and literally gasped before getting to the reaction options, so it’s clear where I stand on this matter.

This is quite frankly my assumption. One of those days when you’ve had so much shit shoveled on top of you that when that last straw hits, you burst into tears and set the world on fire? Yup, been there, done that. Zero fucks were given.

(I honestly thought he was still in prison.)

Fucking hell. If you live in PDX or its environs:

1. Nope, he knew he would be, and so he bailed.

Uh... Nixon. You can absolutely step down and have your VP (things get tricker if your VP also steps down, as happened with Nixon) take over.

This. Absolutely this. Especially if I had a warning that the eye infection was coming and could set aside any makeup I can’t replace (I use a *lot* of limited-edition indie makeup where only, like, a hundred jars of a particular color exist in the world. There is no “just go to Walgreens/Sephora for more” in my

I just posted about the rest of their family’s names and this very fact! Mom: Lynne. Uncle: Laurence. Sister (there are two other Wachowskis sisters): Laura and... Julie. That last one doesn’t fit, but when you lay out the other L names in the family, it cannot be a coincidence that they are all similar.