
I think it goes beyond coordinated sibling names: Their mom is named Lynne, they have another sister named Laura, and their mom’s brother is named Laurence (Lana also apparently uses the name Laurenca on occasion). It’s a multigenerational thing going on there. I keep thinking that their other sister should change her

I just buy bulk herbs and spices whenever I make something, and I only buy the specific stuff required for the recipe. (This habit was developed when I was broke as hell, and it turns out that it really works for me even though I can now afford actual jars now.) Bulk stuff sells so quickly at your typical store that

Gah, seriously? She’s my absolute favorite character on the show even though she’s not on it now. Without her, the show is just not compelling for me, but I’ve stuck with it anyway.

Master Daddypants.

This happened when I was in my early twenties, and I was a bit mesmerized by the case — and the especially by the trial. My personal take: He did it, but the cops and the prosecution earned that not guilty verdict all on their own. Totally the right verdict given that utterly mishandled farce.

Cosigned. I first became aware of it via Steel Magnolias in early 1990 or so, and I remember my friends being shocked I hadn’t heard of it before. (In my defense, we didn’t have much cake in my house growing up due to my brother’s milk allergy. It was the ‘80s. Milk-free stuff wasn’t widely available in our small

I played saxophone in college and used to know the first part of about a dozen Chatlie Parker songs! That was during the Bush era, though. As in the one before Clinton.

Some of us are so old that cell phones weren’t a widespread thing until AFTER COLLEGE. I was the first of my friends (and now that I think of it, the first person in my family, too) to get one, and I only got one because I worked for a cell phone company at the time (almost two years after I graduated from college)

Right? Public nudity is constitutionally protected in my state (well, mostly), and I can’t remember the last time I encountered a naked person in the wild. Except on World Naked Bike Ride Day (unless you avoid that part of town on that day, which I do because OMG HUNDREDS OF BICYCLISTS. I have better things to do with

That sounds familiar, but Lisa Bloom is Gloria Allred’s daughter, so it might be a family company sort of thing.

I kind of want to watch it as a sequel to The Fall. Or maybe the prequel.

I actually watched Pixels yesterday. Much to my surprise, it was somewhat watchable. (Yes, there was a lot of weed involved.) (And, damn it, now I’m going to have to watch this piece of shit. I’m kind of obsessed with Razzie winners.)

Wherefore art thou Ellis? (I descend from a line of Ellises who came to the US from somewhere in Great Britain, and he kind of looks like certain members of that side of the family. Like, cross my dad with his younger brother about forty years ago. So many mixed feelings.)

Wait. $60 million. I thought that was how much Sony was saying she *would be worth*. As in future earnings. Now this says that Azzweepay (if you recognize that from SNL, YOU ARE OLD) *already spent* that much on her. Which I call bullshit on. If this is truly what is being argued, I would be extraordinarily interested

YES. THIS. The bestest time was when I was little, and it was in the ‘70s during and right after the Vietnam War, and it was asked with a little smirk that made it clear that it was assumed that I was my father’s bastard war baby. We’re not even Asian, as far as we know. I just happen to have vaguely Asian features.

I can definitely see what she’s talking about with her brows. The older photo makes her look like a severe Megan Fox. I don’t mean this in a good way. That gentler arch makes all the difference in the world. (I may spend way too much time contemplating eyebrows.)

Uh... The last time I checked, LL Bean was suuuuper conservative (think Eagle Forum conservative) and donated to (among other things) anti-choice groups. That was in the 80s, and that was when I totally wrote them off as an option. Have they changed since then?

Oh, man, this book was the reason I wanted to be nicknamed Meg when I was, like, seven years old! Alas, my family wasn’t big on nicknames, so it took until college for someone to call me that. (Also, can she do Lavender-Green Magic with casting authentic to the book next?)

Why, of course there’s a 42% unemployment rate! My brother’s family has a 57% unemployment rate! My own household has a whopping 67% unemployment rate! Nevermind that the unemployed here consist of two teenaged boys not yet able to work legally (I think they do actually work under the table for a family friend helping

This is exactly what I was thinking. Bus stops would be excellent, too, at least based on the smell of passengers on the 15.