
My only comments are ‘great piece’ and ‘the monocle is awesome’.

What a weird biography of a man I had no interest in learning about, but greatly fascinated me when reading about him. Really good long read Shaun and totally unexpected from Deadspin. You briefly mention Oscar Bonavena. He’s someone who also had an interesting life that would make a great long read.

I agree, this kind of stuff gives me a weird feeling. When I was little, my mom worked 3 jobs and was on welfare. The other people at the church would come and discreetly give her a check for just enough so she wouldn’t get in trouble with the welfare office. At one point someone came and gave her a car for $2. There

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”

When you’re laid up in the hospital, recovering from leg surgery, your Halloween costume options are very limited. Fortunately, my very clever nurse came up with this one...

“The Princess Bride, by S. Morgenstern, chapter one...” And with that, Peter Falk, as The Grandfather, draws us into a tale of “Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...” that endures forever—or at least, as long as you wish.

It’s not SF. But Master and Commander did an excellent job of giving a sense of the books.

Stardust. I love Neil Gaiman, but found the book kind of boring. The movie was hilarious and fun. Robert De Niro is priceless. Not faithful, at all, but this is one of those rare occasions, for me, the film was better. I know there are many who’ll disagree, but to each their own.

Based on the 2008 version of the Guardians of the Galaxy and while not a straight adaptation, really make for a fun story.

Have Rip Taylor play that same character, keep the Joe Quesada name, and I’m good to go.

I kind of wish they'd just cast her as Strange.

Now playing

This cover of Jolene is pretty spectacular. I only came across it a few months ago, and until then I hadn’t heard her sing (I am also an under-rock-dweller), and I was genuinely shocked at what a powerful instrument she has. Miley seems fairly callow and silly, but her voice is thrilling.

Now playing

I like Miley. She’s living her life and doing her thing. Her voice is unique; one doesn’t hear very many contralto voices in pop music anymore. Everyone wants to see who can hit a higher note than the next person, meanwhile I’ve played this video of her cover of Summertime Sadness over and over for the past few months.

Tried to make Messi pay his taxes, I’m assuming.

As someone who works with children daily, has taken classes of child development, this is normal 2 year old behavior.