
watch him be 11

The only way to end this show right would be for the Pokémon to finally unite and rise up against their human oppressor.

The Rock’s self-seriousness here is insane to me because the man’s actually worthwhile wrestling career was built on getting his ass beat. Like sure, he got over due to his mic skills and charisma, but a large part of it was that said charisma made him unafraid to look like the geek - he could always just rebuild

i always think it’s weird when people do this ‘won’t someone please think of the crew!’ stuff. they do not care, got paid already and have moved onto their next thing.

Sorry I forgot that this is one of these sacred incel things.

It amazes me that anyone still buys this “equal opportunity offenders” bullshit meme.

Self-deprecating humor works best when it comes from one's self. There are plenty things I'll say about myself that I would also find offensive coming from someone else.

Wait, dude why are you talking on Fox News? no no no no no no

What a weird take. 

But I can’t shake the feeling that, originally, she was left-leaning enough and seemed to display enough compassion that if the right people had gotten to her, and managed to talk some sense into her, she could’ve been brought round

Actual game developers have already weighed in on this

Of course the performatively centrist take still lands on the side that trans people and supporters are the problem. Weird how that always happens.

Aside from the obvious, er, issues the game comes packed with -

don’t you dare presume to belittle me simply because I don’t think the same way you do

Yes, yes, conservatives don’t care at all about other people or what they think BUT HOW DARE YOU JUDGE THEM OR CRITICIZE THEM IN ANY WAY.

So, your standard for not being a transphobe is “wrote a gay character who didn’t groom his students.” Sounds about right.

“So tired of people labeling JK a transphobe”

The transphobic trolls are really triggered by this one.

Was this known before? I can’t find any reference to charges, allegations, or mention of an arrest before today’s articles.

A) This looks nothing like Steven Universe. If anything, I’d say it looks closer to Venture Brothers.