
Funny you say this, I recently had what I’d consider my first written jump scare too. What made it even dumber was the character says it’s about to happen. Like, “I’m going to look out the window and see something horrible” and then she just does but it still freaked me out so much I had to put it down for a bit. Lol.

I screamed so loud my dog started jumping up and trying to calm me down. lol! “Daddy don’t be scared, I’m here!” 

I had a huge crush on the dumpster man when I was 14.

Why, did he stop liking feet and inserting feet shots into his movies? Not the kids fault you got old.

I too love watching movies about white people being sad. Peak cinema, peak art, the movies where the white people are sad about stuff. It’s even more art if it’s also about Hollywood or writing.

everyone needs to grow up and do a lot more “my Dad said!” approach to evaluating movies

You’re big mad about this! Yes, I’m sure anyone who enjoys this film is either a virgin or a violent sociopath. This some profound insight on your part. Truly astounding intellect at play.

Children? You’re the one going on about what your daddy said, like he’s some authority that we should all listen to, that’s what children do. Yes, yes, I’m sure your dad can beat up my dad. I have no interest in Avatar, but not because anything your daddy said, he’s not the boss of me.

Adults put very little stock into other adults telling them what is appropriate entertainment for adults. I pay my mortage, I can watch exactly as many blue cat people movies as I want.

I think you misunderstand Cameron’s style. It’s more 1980s Trapper-Keeper art than 1970s van art.

My dad was very matter of fact “adults want to see mature films with adult humans in them”

I clicked on the article. The subtitle is as follows:

This looks fab.

Say what you want about the French, but they know how to treat royalty.

I did

I mean, in fairness, that wasn’t really the context here. In the video, they either had to eat something gross or tell a story about the rudest interaction they’ve had with a celebrity, and Seth was laughing his way through telling it so he wasn’t trying to get pity. He was more incredulous in hindsight.

I hope this is the last season, and then in a few years there’s a BBC remake where an English soccer coach has to go coach the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Do they leave him submerged in a helicopter begging the Blue Fairy into eternity to make him into a real boy?

ok, guy posting on a kotaku comments section about a video game