
In a universe where Louis Lane is Clark Kent's daughter? Because the Rock is roughly twice her age FYI. 

…Booksmart was pretty fucking great.

...but Hermione is a mega super bad bitch fighting monsters.

And the appendices are essentially textbooks; there’s no main character to “now” be anything.

So your comment amounts to this: we should either individually criticize every single one of the thousands and thousands and thousands of developers, or just not criticize at all

You have an odd definition of the word clear.

SNL died when they played the collaborationist buffoon and had Trump host the show.

I feel like... if your best defense of Rowling is “she isn’t as bad as people who murder trans people”... you’ve kind of already lost the the debate about whether Rowling is transphobic or not.

I love revisionist history, she totally “lost the election” and wasn’t hamstrung left and right, also voters bear totally no responsibility whatsoever!

Her “defense” of “women” and “homosexuality” was just calling trans-men confused autistic lesbians.

I wish the show would delve into the financials more because in my opinion Kevin is engaging financial abuse and I do think it premeditated on a certain level because it isn’t played off as shopping addiction.

“Why doesn’t she just leave?”

Though why she couldn’t just leave him remains unexplained. You might say that’s authentic to an abusive relationship, but, again, I don’t feel the show does a good job depicting the abuse, bound by its concept not to actually show that.

in the sitcom world, he’s not the monster Allison paints him as”

From the first scene with the caricature Sexist Male Colleague, or the clumsy #GirlBoss feminism, to the posse of dudes immediately harassing her outside the bar,

caricature Sexist Male Colleague

so in which reality/society men are allowed to “hulk out” in their everyday lives?

Or, hear me out. It’s showing what women go through at work and in life?


The fact that he kept tinkering with the water heater, making a mild nuisance into an unbearable racket is classic Walter White.

It’s kind of nice that, as it turns out, what is almost certainly our last glimpse of Walter White in this world isn’t the Nazi-killer super-scientist managing to effortlessly outwit his enemies one last time, but the pompous, bitter and frustrated pedant who can’t even let a harmless thought experiment about time