
This guy’s really milking this for all it’s worth to try to get people to forget that he is also a sexual predator!

In American court. He lost his other case in Britain which his fans like to ignore, cuz America has the most trustworthy court system apparently.

Both things can be true: the court system failed to convict Johnny Depp because Amber Heard wasn't pure and virginal enough, and Johnny Depp is an abusive piece of shit.

Depp apologists and the woman-hating “how dare she not raise this 20 years ago when it happened and never be hired in Hollywood again!” guys.

“how brave of this person to sit on the story”

Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.


I almost always recognize the host of SNL when they are announced, but I have no idea who Shane Gillis is. A few YouTube clips later and still not getting why he would be invited to host the show.  

Are they really this desperate for hosts?

Law and Order was just a way for an old reactionary white guy to make cops look good at a time in the late 90's when people were slowly becoming aware that the NYPD was a criminal organization (again... because Serpico and every other movie about corrupt New York cops and all that).

Why is that you weirdo MAGA trolls all have such...not even bad punctuation, per se, just bizarre punctuation. Like, you went through the trouble of typing out “enjoy” [space] “.” [space] “!!” And that looked right to you? That made sense? That conveyed what you intended to convey?

Rickles was actually clever and funny.

People were so laudatory of his Golden Globes monologue a few years back, treating his digs at streaming services (which he works with) like some huge truth-to-power moment; as though he hadn’t been invited and the monologue certainly vetted by the network beforehand.

Literally nothing you said contradicts the fact that it’s a white savior movie. Most white savior movies that take place outside of a classroom or sports field are “white man bad, noble savage good.” The issue is that these movies lets the white audiences off the hook by giving them a saintly white protagonist to live

I dunno how she’d play with y’all old folks but she’s been a very interesting and hilarious interviewer for a little while now. She mostly interviews celebrities with cutting satirical questions about various intersectional issues and she’s playing a character of an interviewer desperate to turn any answer into a

You’re playing the same word games as she did in her interview. People are saying “The Israeli government is committing war crimes against Palestinians” and you and she are twisting that into “Jews are bad, Hamas is good.”

People are by and large supporting Palestinian civilians, who make up the overwhelming majority of the 15,000 casualties born out of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign — that’s not counting atrocities that have been committed in the West Bank, or those committed before October 7. 2023 was the deadliest year

That’s a fine point to make about so-called progressives actually rooting for Hamas, but she’s not really trying hard at all to make a distinction between Hamas and regular Palestinians, so that’s a problem and I’d say pretty racist.

For fuck's sake, no American progressive is supporting Hamas.