
I mean, if someone wrote a play about how I was an asshole, and then they were like “bUt It’S fIcTiOnAl” I would be super irritated. People who watch this play aren’t going to walk away saying “that was funny, but of course it’s not a documentary and I shouldn’t let any of this content color my opinion of Richard

Except it does no particular harm when done right and any such law would specifically target Jewish people. The history there is not pretty. To be clear, I don’t think there’s much rational point in circumcision, but you can’t just pop off about making laws.

Okay see this is why nobody takes you seriously because FGM is SO MUCH worse, and designed deliberately to A) make women incapable of feeling sexual pleasure (not that it necessarily works, I’m not clear on this) and B) enforce virginity until marriage. Like you’re comparing an outdated and unnecessary medical

I agree that it’s mutilation, but we should be clear that FGM is way, way, way worse. We’re cutting off foreskins, here, not the equivalent of the entire glans.

It was always “woke”, you just weren’t radicalized into culture war idiocy back then.

As I recall, in the first special he said being trans was a white person problem. Not only was much of the bit just transphobic, but it’s fucking wrong and harmful to not only a marginalized community, but a marginalized part of the community that has been actively targeted.

I’m not white knighting, I’m a mixed race

Chappelle gleefully ignores the fact that the majority of trans women murdered in this rat-fucked country are Black. He and whoever this idiot is doesn’t give a single fuck about Black folks. He doesn’t need us ‘cause he barks on command/cash for white audiences. 

This all makes me wonder whether in a different age Elvis might have had a different view or understanding of his own sexuality.

Well, the years stopped coming.

With her bob cut and her accent, I legitimately sometimes forget she’s not real-life Emily, Emily Mortimer.

As Mike Tyson once said, some people have gotten too comfortable saying whatever they want and not being punched in the face for it.

I imagine you, covered in flop sweat, desperate to come up with some sort of clever trolling comment. This is all you had.

This is how they should have rebooted Gilmore Girls. 

OMG. Thank you for reminding me about Better Off Ted. And, if you’re going to consider that, how about Santa Clarita Diet.

It’s extremely niche but I would put Garth Marengi’s Darkplace in my personal top 10. SCTV trained me to appreciate that kind of very specific parody.

You’re surprised and mad that the article about the box office for films that haven’t come out yet is based on advance sales and projections rather than hard sales data that doesn’t yet exist.

The fuck else was it going to be based on?

Right-wingers have created a whole alternate universe where Disney is on the financial ropes all because they don’t hate gay people enough.

The original Aladdin made 504 million. They racebent the Genie in the remake and made 1.05 billion. So, 1:2 original to remake conversion after racebending. If you adjust for inflation, racebending the story added 102 million to the box office.

Well, obviously because they’re alienating their core audience for these movies, namely post-adolescent cis white males who have a deep emotional connection to the original Disney animated features, are stuck in an indefinite state of arrested development, and as a result spend most of their free time posting the same