
This is outrageous.

How about commemorating all of the hard working real life meth dealers, Albuquerque? How about them?

18 is a fucking child when you’re a 33 year old man. Come on? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I’ll grant that “child” is an exaggeration. Let’s go with teenager. At least we can agree that it’s super fucked up.

dated for two years in 1992 when she was 18 and he was 33...

Well then he’s not going to like the way he looks. 

I don’t know why people always have to bring up that it started as fanfiction, or why you have to throw around “middle-aged housewife” so pejoratively. Yes I found the books boring and the movie (I only saw the first) bad, but this is a middle-aged housewife who was able to connect somehow with millions of people and

Cassandra Peterson was in the Groundlings, so definitely a comedic actor.

I actually think the character is intentionally supposed to be kind of bratty and immature. That’s the kind of dark side user she is. It is said repeatedly that she’s impulsive. She acts without thinking. She’s kind of similar to a young Anakin in that way, actually.

can’t tell if this is a serious complaint about the artist whose main project the past several years has arguably been a self aware deconstruction of what performing is and does to a performer relative to their audience, be it in his comedy specials, the movie that he wrote and directed, or his TV show. And that’s not

Or, taken from a slightly different perspective... he was alone in a shed for months on end recording a special... what other face was he going to use? 

Lmao, Joey demolished your dumb argument and you had no back-up plan.

Solidarity with Charlie Hedbo was about a terrorist attack. People think that “free speech” should not be met with horrific violence. There, mystery solved.

Openly having the opinion that “You only treat women as human because you want them to sleep with you” is why no one actually likes you.

Speaking as a straight white man, if we don’t want to be the enemy, then we should probably stop doing the types of things that make us the enemy. (Like pleading victimhood when we are the ones doing the vast majority of the oppressing.)

Bigotry is not common sense. Choosing to not platform bigotry is not censorship.

That’s right, glad to see people are keeping up.

Welp, they aren’t friends, or allies, or even willing to let others just live our lives. I’ve had to put up with “angry white men” my entire life and all I want is to be left alone. 

Not all the time, but a surprisingly high percentage of the time, yes.

Yes, but is it funny?

He had nothing to do with it? Surely as the creator of the show and the actor who portrays two of the main characters, he has some say in what the show is like, even if he doesn’t have a hand in the writing now.