
I’d 100% invite em no matter what. The crack rock is just a bonus.

So you go to see a band play and Screwdriver is the surprise opener. You’re cool with that?

Really! My ex-wife and I both hated that the show decided to get rid of Donna that way. She’d come so far and shown just how incredible she could be, and was a shining star to every Office Temp who watched DOCTOR WHO because Donna was “SuperTemp!” She could walk into any situation, snag a clipboard or file folder, and

If he doesn’t reverse the stupid ass decision to reverse all of Donna’s character development, then her return won’t be worth it.

Or maybe she means it in the way that nobody has ever really met John Krasinski because there’s nothing under the surface there. There’s nothing behind his eyes.

If a polygraph were less than 50% accurate, it would by definition also be more than 50% accurate. A 100% inaccurate polygraph would be completely reliable, you’d just have to move the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ labels! [50% accuracy is the least accurate you can be with a binary outcome]

Are people really this unaware that polygraph tests don’t work. They are only about 50% accurate, which makes them literally useless. The fact that we use them in court cases is truly scary.

The album it’s on (Savvy Show Stoppers — I think it’s technically a collection of EPs, but whatever) is great all the way through.


Yes, he was in Office Space and a lot of other great stuff, but he’ll always be Jimmy James (maybe also D.B. Cooper) to me.

He is lucky that Lucy Liu didn’t kick his ass 

I think you’d be surprised just how much of a cultural moment JK Rowling’s attack on transpeople was for younger people, at least in the UK (trans-rights in the last two-three years has basically become the major generation dividing issue in terms of social views in the UK now).

Hopefully your tombstone won’t read “he got regularly outraged on behalf of sexual harassers”

I feel like when Chrono Cross came out, it got a lot of bad publicity because it’s not Chrono Trigger. And since then, there’s been this weird push by people trying to claim that it’s a better game than its reputation suggests. Really, the truth is that it’s just a bad game on its own merits.

Are we defining “KH fan” as “someone who mainlines theory videos and is a member of several different online KH communities” or “someone who likes and has played multiple KH games”?

Please, I’ve played like eight different KH games, which is why I know it is largely gibberish.

The Disney/Final Fantasy crossover stuff is the only thing that makes this series interesting. Yeah, it’s lame as all hell, but it’s also got a weird kind of hyperactive fanfiction energy you don’t really find elsewhere (outside of fanfiction, I guess), while the rest of it just kinda feels like baseline Nomura

That’s dumb.  There’s like so many games that are “These 40 flophaired sexy battlers with overcomplicated outfits hate these other 40 spike-haired anime warriors with asymmetrical leather straps all over there so now they gotta battle over a nebulous glowing concept” games, and none of them needed to sit in a Disney

For unfathomable reasons, you’ve seen fit to make this comment twice. It’s not the gotcha you think it is.

Yes, miller came out as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. The AV Club is just following that (as they should). I’m not sure what you’re getting at with the Linklater thing, since as far as I’m aware he uses he/him pronouns (or at least hasn’t made any public statements to the contrary).