
Hmm... an article celebrating the work of a transphobe after so much about Dave Chapelle. An interesting choice AVC.

Because cops suck. No one at a porn theater calls the cops to complain about someone wacking it, vice cops just occasionally lurked or raided them to drum up easy arrests. And that was the case here. He wasn’t hurting or bothering anyone, no one complained or called the cops, he was just easy pickings for asshole cops

[control-f’s “Justified”; shakes fist at BBC]

I was actually going to be pretty pleased with this list when I saw the top ten and then saw reassuringly that Atlanta and BoJack were just outside the top ten.

No Justified is a major omission. Perhaps the Brits just don’t get such a quintessentially American show. 

I’m reasonably certain that I did not see Justified on that list, and thus the list is completely invalid. Also get GoT out of the fucking top 10.

Whoa, Justified didn’t even make the list?

Orlando Bloom added a very particular something for some of us.  If that was the role then thank God Brody passed on it.

A Very Pleasant Series of Events, With no Unnecessary Complications, starring Kaitlyn Dever. The new smash hit on Netlfix.

After Unbelievable I would really like Kaitlyn Dever to get to play a character who just has nice things happen to her. I take it that is not going to be this

The cynic in me has a nagging suspicion that execs don’t think a show starring almost exclusively women can be successful.

But if FX/Hulu/whoever cancel Reservation Dogs I will riot.

What even is going on with FX now? This was already one of the many “FX on Hulu” shows that don’t even air on FX, unless its after the fact as like a promo, so its already been shuffled around from cable to streaming before it started. Would Hulu pick up an “FX on Hulu” show that FX cancelled? I don’t understand how

Why isn’t it anti-free speech?

Have you considered switching to a less obnoxious shtick altogether?

I feel this says a lot more about you than it does about Gadsby and Nanette. Yikes, pal.

Ahh yes, right-wing hate speech always just goes away quietly if the people who don’t like it just ignore it.

A lot of male comedians of a certain age seem really oddly obsessed with the trans-community, and particularly trans-women. 

“Our policies say that we do not allow hate speech. But our viewer statistics say that Dave Chapelle is very popular with old white people who like having a black man tell them their prejudices are acceptable. Sorry, minorities, ratings matter more than your safety.”