
The simple, silly answer is that it’s being reviewed now because the studio let people see it. If you’re in the position to drop a review at the same time as dozens of other outlets running early reviews, you kinda have to do it for traffic reasons. I for sure would prefer to write about most movies the week they

“Well, IGN says the latest Call of Duty sequel is 10 out 10 and has a little bit of fun for everyone, any critic that disagrees is clearly not doing their job right”
-A lot of fucking idiots

The Dirtmeister, makin’ corrections! 

It’s why it’s stayed so popular.

The members of Nirvana dressed in white coats, holding the baby, along with pieces of raw meat.

They should just use Weird Al’s “Off the Deep End” cover, only with Weird Al's dong visible. 

Isn’t that a pretty accurate description of a model?

Didn’t realize that Ratajkowski was releasing a book of essays. I doubt that I’ll read it, but the one that she wrote that they published in The Cut last year was fascinated. People should check it out if they haven’t.

I don’t think Oliver comes off as self-righteous or a zealot. And even if we accept your premise as reality on the audience, there’s still value in educating or offering different perspectives or insight to people who broadly agree with you, or throwing a massive spotlight on an underserved but necessary to discuss

They need to jettison some of the older cast members to get the rebuild going and get a lower draft pick

I wish they leaned into the weirdness of it even more. I’d love a benignly Lynchian talk show hosted by Drew Barrymore.

Funny how the holier-than-thou white men of the av club seem totally clueless about the numerous and well documented instances of McDonald being a misogynistic, homophobic piece of shit. For years! Although this place certainly has a history of ignoring women and minority voices when it has a hard on for a mediorce,

Between Adora, She-Ra, and Catra, Heather will have three mommies.

While that’s true of the original series in the 80s, that last She-Ra was amazing.

The really interesting thing is that for the first time ever, the primary question about a new She-Ra is not how much connection it will have to He-Man. Instead, it’s just “How gay will it be?”

“for some reason” is decades of hate spewed into Middle America by Rush Limbaugh who used her as a boogeyman to sell his show. He lied about her for likely 10,000 hours of airtime. The last guy on a similar mission was Adolf Hitler lying about the Jews to get himself in a position of power. Rush was too addicted to

Bill wasn’t just a terrible husband, he was serial sex offender. I don’t know the dynamics of his and Hilary’s relationship but I’m happy Lewinksy has the ability to reclaim some of the agency Bill took from her, and I hope it gives some peace to the other women who have accused him and were not listened to because of

Good for Monica for getting a chance to tell her story. She was a consenting (albeit young) adult who made a bad choice, lived with it and done so with grace. I hope they show Ken Starr preying on and terrorizing a young woman into sharing humiliating, private information completely irrelevant to the actual

How can you make an entire book on cartoon censorship and not discuss Queer creators? Are you kidding me? Sounds like a tome for white male grievances. The fact that they’re platforming TERFs says enough.