
I understand why this isn’t a bigger deal. Ownership/Management gets to save some scratch and get patted on the back for being savvy—Silver isn’t going to push the envelope there to investigate. And all Player’s Unions, generally, don’t give a flip about rookies. But in this case, they should.

i understand the desire to be sarcastic here, but i think this is fair.

It’s one theater, man.  

Simmons: Right.

Pick one: you’re either him (new account, no other posts) or you’re such a huge fan of a shitty comic who was barely known until now you come here to save your hero from meanies. Honestly, the first one would be better.

I would indeed appreciate it if racist bumblefucks were just open about their racist bumblefuckery rather than try to hide behind sham apologies. They would be far from my heroes though.

As we all know the most innovative and daring way to “push boundaries” is to shout racial and homophobic slurs like a 12-year-old who thinks he’s getting away with something. Way to crack the code, you risk-taking comic genius you.

Teams cut players two weeks before the season. Why should it be a one-way street?

The only thing I can think of is they thought since she was drunk, she deserved whatever happened to her. I went looking for earlier articles to see if there was ANYTHING they could have been told that would muddy the case at all.

No, no, there was not. Everything is worse. After Cleaves finished with her, the victim

they saw this and he was still acquitted. jurors are trash, straight up trash

demonstrate their appreciation to the RCAF, including its board of directors, staff and investors

With this one conversation Lamar Jackson is now a closer friend than any other member of Rodgers’ family.

is that Kaepernick himself has already profited from the very same move Jay-Z is using now.

No way anyone would believe that stupid name.

And like Dallas, Brandy’s not gonna get a ring any time soon.

Okay, School of Rock doesn’t suck.

Exactly! There’s a whole damn movie starring a two-time Oscar winner called ‘Remember the Titans’ and still people can’t

You know how we bloggers are!

One thing is clear: I am definitely hopping mad about The Boys, a show I both praise and criticize.

Yeah Barry, sINcE wHeN dOEs DeADsPIn cARE AboUT STadIum FINanCINg?