
The Bucs changing their jerseys wasn’t as bad as hooking themselves to Jameis, but it wasn’t THAT far behind. They had probably the best look in football, one that was completely and uniquely theirs, and now they look like what an 8-year-old would cook up on Madden Create A Team. It’s so sad.

Yes please, bring back the creamcicle unis

Do shitty stuff, expect shitty results.”

I realize that you’re just trolling at this point, but I’m going to answer earnestly on the off-chance you have no idea what’s really going on.

It’s time for some vulgarity. I’m done playing nice and pretending that there’s any middle ground here. At least six kids have died in U.S. custody in the past year from torture and neglect at U.S. concentration camps. No kids died in immigration custody in the decade before that. And now American kids are being

1) The kid who recently got picked up by ICE was an American citizen. His mother even brought his birth certificate and they insisted it was fake. He spent a month sleeping on a floor in an overcrowded cell with 60 men. The kid lost 20 pounds because these concentration camps aren’t providing basic food or medical

That’s not entirely true.  She also stands to benefit monetarily.  

Please do not break up Arthie and Yolanda, show

Most of Japan’s railway network was built when trains were 100% public, meaning it is another great of example of public money being invested to drive private profits, which the capitalist right immediately forgets about so it can pretend everything was private all along.

I’ll never understand people who “questioned what the point of it all has been”. Did they sit through the seven seasons of shaggy, meandering, aggressively pointless fun that preceded it expecting it to actually GO somewhere?

Yup. He was one of my favorite baseball journalists. Never projected any air of aggressiveness that I noticed. Just goes to show how what you see online or in print from someone can be very different from the person they are in real life.

Someone always has to jump in in these situations to do the “I always knew they were no good bit.” I’m with you, was always nice to me, never seemed anything but genuine. Just goes to show you that these relationships are one sided and we don’t really know the people we read/watch online at all. 

Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.

Must a fan always give a baseball to a kid, even if it’s a walk-off dinger?

I’m not sure what’s worse, being Takes-Ball-Away-From-Kids Guy or being Chooses-Drinks-Based-On-ABV guy.

And now we have, I don’t know—at one point in time there were 65 waivers that were given in a year.

Yup, I read the headline and said, “Oh no” out loud. I thought for sure we were in for a new Kyrie-esque taek.

This did not go how I thought it was going to go. I actually think of Ned Yost as less of a pud now.

A word of advice, no one else likes when you play devil's advocate.