
I saw CC approach the mound and I was mortified he was going to take me out.

Those events already have an issue with (a minority of) competitors and attendees being really hostile towards women. I’ll tell you what certainly DOESN’T help with that!

I’m just gonna go ahead and say that Bernie should do what he should’ve done before he announced his 2020 candidacy (his 2016 run was fine—and necessary): Step aside for Warren, and be the elder statesman he’s earned the right to be.

Not everyone needs to be President. Shit, President isn’t even the strongest office in

The child was brutalized ON CAMERA and the parents had to get social workers to advocate for charges?? And they claimed that there's equity in law enforcement. Bullshit. Let this have been a Black or Latino man pinning a white child down like this. He would've been executed swiftly by the police upon their arrival.

Holy shit.

I sincerely appreciate this point of view -- but he not only shows zero remorse for what he did, he appears to have convinced himself he did nothing wrong, and edited the facts to match. He remains a POS and has gotten far better than he deserved.

Read the room, Wes.

After going through layer after layer of this story, it’s crazy that NBA teams just continued to give Philo dough.

“I think I did a pretty good job as a young-ass mom,” she added. “Kudos to me.”
Kudos to her, indeed.

That is the meanest thing anyone has ever said about anyone. 

doing that with the Expos was done to destroy the Expos so Selig could have them move to DC.

So many questions. Let’s look at them in order:

Ujiri is lucky this bullshit profiling took place in front of 20K witnesses, so the police flacks can only lie about it so much. Any charges laid now are an attempt to head off a civil suit. 

From the fanciest black tie dinner party to the lowest gathering of hobos and drunks around a trash can fire, there is one thing that will alway remain true: people with guns ruin fucking everything.

“I always thought it was the balls,” O’Rourke says when told of Zoller’s firsthand recollection where the pee is stored.

Maybe hes a smart guy, or maybe he is a rich kid who never credited the work of others and passed it off as his and kept falling into better positions.

Wow, personal attacks and a graying and/or banning!

I would not be pointing the gun at myself.

After a few years in Houston, Lowry couldn’t get along with head coach Kevin McHale...

Rich asshole is ranting about pizza in Italy, arguing that it is inferior to Pizza in St Louis based on his ownership of a St. Louis “pizzeria”.. There isn’t “another” side, just a rich asshole with no taste. It’s an “argument from authority fallacy” only the supposed authority was derived from “Pizza”. In. St. Louis.