
You mean that time they started a black QB on December 3, 2017 and then the coach and GM got fired on December 4, 2017? 

“We needed a DE...”

To me they always sound like people with mental health issues that they’re unwilling or unable to confront. 

reading comprehension -1
to raise your skill level, please read more books

Yeah, but they likely have to spend additional hours going to the gym to stay in shape and applying makeup/grooming. Also, you have to deal with creeps/assholes and work during the evening/weekends. In addition, you either have to live in NYC, which is super expensive, or have to spend hours commuting to NYC.

Joe West can go eat paste and leave us alone forever

Listen, if the police are going to use anti-trafficking laws to ruin the lives of willing sex workers, they can at least do some good and release the tape of a shit stain billionaire getting a a quick “mash&dash” on his way to the AFC Championship. 

You are 100% correct. The issue is that it isn’t like the money is going to be used to reward fans or anything. It’s just more money in the pocket of billionaire owners. And by taking less money, it could hurt other guys (in arbitration, for example), when teams can say, well this player wants $9 million but Albies

charged with [...] the nonviolent resistance of an officer

What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?

It’s funny to see all these people saying that “the charges were dropped”,as if that makes him proven innocent (and a few morons even saying that the charges were “bullshit”).

Um, no on the charges being declared bullshit:

Yep. While there will be extensive media coverage and discussions about Assange and his rights, let’s spare a thought for the woman he allegedly raped who was denied any justice because he hid like a coward until the statute of limitations passed.

didn’t he hide there to avoid facing a sexual assault charge in Sweden?

So.. Kim Foxx’s office has:

“son of legendary Tennessee coach Pat Summitt” is doing a lot of lifting in his story.

Fu-uck the former players for writing that tepid letter of support for Whitaker. Just because they weren’t abused doesn’t mean abuse didn’t happen.

I got locked up and raped in my mid-teens. For a long time I thought it was when I was fifteen, but then it seemed like I must have been sixteen, for a while. Now I’m back to fifteen, because (40+ years on) I remembered seeing a movie within a few months of the event, and google let me know what year the film was

TIL #1: abuse victims are supposed to have an eidetic memory and bullet journal their trauma, lest their credibility be torn apart.

Since the headline says “everyone”, I’m gonna speak up!