
This year had a pretty solid cast, but man, this is just not a good final four.

I’m sure this will be the most soul-crushing thing to happen to Ontario tonight.

Oh god they’re finally going to make the Stanley Cup finals and then lose to an expansion team. Just like that old gypsy woman said.

“I will not be Tommy Lee Jonesed again you little shit.”

It’s one thing for Jake to be generic-sitcom-dude-dumb, but Boyle’s constant refrain of “hey man why are you allowing your fiancee to talk to an attractive male” was the creepiest shit.

The Michael Scott Paper Company plot in Season 5 is probably the best story the show ever did.

I gather the season was almost finished shooting when the revelations came out. I hope they’re smart enough to trim him out of the show as much as possible, but completely editing him out would probably be literally impossible without being handed millions of dollars to reshoot half the season.

I would point out Jeff Goldblum, but I agree, he was the true hero of Thor Ragnarok.


Sims describing a plot, where the government refuses to evacuate someplace from a natural disaster for political reasons, as too implausible. Rough chuckles, my friends. The roughest.

Oh my god how did switching to Kinja make the AV Club this dumb. Oh my god. You have 11 favorites. What is wrong with the universe.

All of them voted for Trump my dude. They just did it by giggling and writing in piggy poop balls in their swing states.

Why? We already found a way to make it a woman’s fault.

If I was his paperboy I’d start doing weird crimes just to make him look unhinged. “Harvey Weinstein accused a delivery boy of pooping the word ‘chemtrails’ on his driveway this morning. His family is said to be concerned, but more embarrassed than concerned.”

Why would you share this. This isn’t our business.

Seriously. How the fuck does he have a job? Is it just too difficult to find an unemployed journalist in New York to replace him?

Survivors of actual sexual assault would like you to fuck all the way off with your “even worse things happen so you’re not allowed to be angry at bad things” horseshit.

99.99% sounds about right. 129 division 1 football teams, times a roster of up to 100 or so, means around 10,000 players. 9999 are fine and one young man dies for no reason except ‘pride and peer pressure.’ Everyone shrugs and says yeah but what were the odds?

Billy Magnussen gives a wooden performance, failing to capture the charisma and gravitas of a pretty underrated Prefab Sprout album.

Nothing that just happened here was acceptable.