
Jesus, turns out she also just put out a new album. I've been waiting six years for a new Antony album but never would have thought to check out 'Anohni.'

I honestly thought, just from the trailers and this video, that this sequel had kind of a lovely palette compared to the boringly eye-searing original. And, having just looked it up, it was shot by Stuart Dryburgh, one of the few cinematographers that I know that I like (he was partly responsible for the look of the

I like these! I like these a lot, even!

Norm is extremely well educated. Evidence would seem to point against his being particularly smart or having any common sense, but the guy's certainly read a lot more books than Wolf Blitzer.

Boo Boo seemed delighted to recognize the girl who slapped him that one time and was totally fine with the five other girls puking everywhere. There's something to be said for that disgusting, beautiful little garbage angel.

Tatiana Maslany as Lyanna Stark and Tatiana Maslany as Rhaegar Targaryen

Oh shit! My bad! That is a pretty good joke that I misheard!

(I didn't take the existence of the biracial guy as a joke, or rather the joke was just that the activists all immediately turned circular firing squad on each other. Please don't consider the idea of a biracial guy still considering himself Asian to be a great gag? Please? Personal favor?)

Springsteen's cancellation was big enough, mainstream news that my Mom asked me about it. Springsteen donating proceeds to a charity might not even get mentioned in a concert review about that concert. A 'show of solidarity' is often meaningless when it's easy and popular, but trans issues have been ignored or

Oh, look, it's why people dislike Donnie Darko.

Let's take the people from the past out and ask them. "Uh, do whatever you want, we're super dead."

Real good visuals though.

I love that Louise actually got him a pretty good present. She's only a rampaging monster because everyone in the world obviously sucks - Rudy's fine, so Rudy gets a holster.

Gene Simmons cares so, so much about critics and it is so, so funny.

I feel like if you're going to try to mine premium yuks out of how ugly an otherwise inoffensive celebrity is, you should have to include a picture of yourself for compare and contrast.

Oh snap, Clive's zombie grandma. Bring Rosalind Cash back from the dead to play Clive's zombie grandma.

It'll be sad if this takes down Deadspin, which is an genuine force for good against the toxic asspile of sports media. Kotaku mostly seems to be 'here's some fun cosplay and a pretty drawing of Master Chief' whenever I see it, but if Gamergate hates it as much as they do, it must be doing some good. I gather

His heart and his best intentions tell him he did attend her funeral.

(I know they're not iconic hits or anything, but the Olivia Newton John and Kylie Minogue tracks they chose for lipsyncs last year are both total jams and I defy anyone who says otherwise. If you can't bring it to Twist Of Fate, that's on you, not Olivia.)

I love that Drag Race is a show where unpopular reality show stars from 2002 can rise up and become heroes.