
I know you're joking, but man, kids love Adventure Time.

This would be a totally cutting, insightful comment if race and sexuality and gender were the only things you could possibly make jokes about.

Oh dang, she's actually basically Haddie's age. I just assumed by TV law she would be a 40 year old with good skin. So, yeah, I can understand her not wanting to skip class and fly out to LA every time Haddie needs to do her laundry.

Yeah, how exactly were they wrong about Arrested Development? "They basically enjoyed it? Those WRETCHED FOOLS."

I know what you mean, but it's hard to imagine them hiring Lamorne Morris and thinking he could be a replacement Damon Wayans Jr. Those are not similar dudes. I dunno, maybe Lamorne was way less dry and more lovably hammy in his audition.

Yeah, you think you're going to find another web site about pop culture? On the INTERNET? Ha ha. I'd like to see THAT.

Yeah, we're probably never getting a show like Luck again, huh. I mean, I mourn shows like Terriers too, but everyone who made that show will work again and bring their sensibilities elsewhere. Even David Milch probably isn't going to try something as weird and beautiful as Luck a second time.

I'm calling it now, Crews and Lo Truglio become the show's go-to pairing. Their enthusiasm together is magic.

In conclusion, Boner Time.


I have no idea how much improv happens on the TV show, but the "so long as I get tortured" joke absolutely killed me.

But wouldn't it be so nice if, just for once, wealthy white people had a voice in city hall?  They need a voice!

It feels like a team of talented people talking down to what they assume is a very, very dumb audience.

Sure, but every time I see a post about one of these cats on Facebook, they get swarmed with responses of "IT IS HORRIBLE TO FIND A DISABLED ANIMAL CUTE AND AWESOME!"  And, I mean, that is way grosser?  It's not like people are going 'aw so cute' to a disabled human, being cute is what cats are for, it is weird to say

I think the joke was just that Duke is the consensus douchiest school and lacrosse players are the consensus douchiest of things.

It was called the Newton.

We're grown-ups.  We're capable of thinking about mass murder without stopping ourselves and just yelling 'I HATE MASS MURDER,' just so everyone knows.  It's assumed that we all disapprove of mass murder.

The AV Club: You are perpetuating a problem.

Oh my god, this is a reality show?

Your ass used to be beautiful, man.