
The biggest hole for me in the multiple timeline theory came in this episode. In the same conversation where Ford says how old Doleres is he also says Dolores is the only host left from the revolt days. If that is the case what about Teddy and Lawrence and the others? I think it is a straightforward timeline and I

Switch to public school. Better pay, better health insurance, better benefits. I always wanted to teach at the college level but I have read too many stories like yours. You guys need to unionize badly.

Maybe ten years ago. They don’t suspend or expel kids like that anymore because pretty much any and every method of measuring showed that it vastly disproportionately affected black and Hispanic students for the same offenses and also just plain didn’t work. I don’t know how old you are but when I was this kids age

This. Most campaigns are in debt by the time they are finished and politicians can’t actually close their campaign till they balanced the books. That’s because they are trying to win.

She is probably way to ashamed to call him after everything he got put through. Not that she should be, but laying all the guilt and blame on herself is kind of a theme for her.

I feel like Nick Fury would have been all over signing up a super strong bulletproof black man and logically would have had eyes all over Luke from even before the timeline in Jessica Jones began.

Are you seriously calling J Scott Campbell an artist? Mother fucker can’t even draw feet. Fuck you to cunt.

Seriously, the man has been sexualizing children in comics for decades. Gen13 was basically porn designed for thirteen year olds and enjoyed by deviant 30 year olds. I think civilization just finally progressed juuuust enough to be disgusted by this.

Maybe editorial. You see very few artist these days playing with the space between the panels or filling the negative space with the kind of fourth wall breaking stuff Bachalo would put in there. Most comics are more cinematic these days. They read like story boards. It’s not like it’s a conspiracy or anything, just a

He suffers from a very aggressive strain of affluenza that has afforded him the ability to live almost 70 years on this planet without ever having to learn or know anything.

4) and 6)

The funny thing about your second point is that Dubya was trying to push legislation that would have given illegals the right to vote because they supported him based on relegion and conservative values. You guys DID have the Latino vote locked down until you let idiots like the tea party hand them to Democrats.

Put your pearls down Mrs Reagan. It’s not that serious. I guess only boys are allowed to make fart jokes.

But it does though. It doesn’t matter what you or I think. If kids connected with it and if it unlocked something in their imagination then you and I don’t get a say as to whether it is or isn’t good. Because it is not for us.

You could not have missed the point more if you tried

Anyone who didn’t like the new ghostbusters didn’t watch it with a five year old girl. 1/2 an hour into the movie she turned to me and very seriously said “I didn’t know girls could be ghostbusters.” That made the whole movie worth it. That and the look on her face when Holtzman was kicking ghost ass at the end. Screw

Parenting. They’re doing it right.

My crew found a couple of ruined guns that we gave to a guy who knew about guns but the coolest thing we found was a mostly ruined bible filled with crazy hand drawn illustrations of hell. I still have it somewhere.

What is not an urban legend however is Rogers standing up to a Senate Subcommitee and single handedly saving the existence of PBS. Total badass.

Don’t forget this badass real American hero as well.