No, it’s not the least bit grammatically incorrect, you pretentious nincompoop. It’s a valid stylistic choice. And starting a sentence with “and” can often be a very effective rhetorical device.
The next time he appears in front of a tough crowd will also be the first time.
The South just doesn’t want us to take away their participation trophies.
Here in this reality, the president of the United States woke up this morning and tweeted some dumbass shit about how like if you take down cheap, hollow, sheet-metal statues of the white-supremacist halfwits and slavers who went to war against the United States to preserve their power to own people, does it not also…
Back in the 1990s, people would say that Bill Clinton screwed one woman (with regard to his extramarital affair(s)), but Bush (Senior) will screw them all. Yes, Democratic men have done shitty things to women, but it’s not as if the party as a whole is working to disenfranchise women, minorities, the poor, etc. You’re…
“hopefully this makes her rethink the company she keeps”
Well said.
“There were some...very high-profile people who are supposedly pro-life, who knew me and heard about what happened, and who didn’t reach out,” she said. “I thought it was very telling … You see these people saying, ‘Oh, we should reach out to women with unexpected pregnancies and let them know they’re not alone’—and…
I like to imagine what she’d say if it was a Democrat WOC in an identical scandal. I’m SURE she’d be totally fair and not at all gross about it.
I’m not Republican. But are we seriously going to pretend that the Dems have treated women in these types of situations any better? Leaving out the obvious examples of Lewinsky and John Edwards, I didn’t hear much mention of Mary Jo Kopechne when Ted Kennedy was being lionized for his many years of faithful service to…
The way the GOP treats women is awful. I’m not really able to work up much sympathy for Delgado, though. Yes, she’s a single mother and America doesn’t do single mothers any favors (although I’ll bet she’s better positioned than most to handle it). I mean, she was sleeping with a married man, and although that makes…