
You reap what you sow. She is neither a child or a victim and I assume at some point in her life someone explained to her how unprotected sex works. I don’t wish ill will on her and don’t think she deserves to be blacklisted for her gross political views but hopefully this makes her rethink the company she keeps, as

Well that’s a case then where I’m happy to be wrong.

I never implied that, I said it is profitable and going to happen anyway. And weed won’t replace OxyContin. It’s not like weed replaced heroin in Amsterdam. But it probably could be more profitable than Oxy over time since it isn’t going to bankrupt and murder its clientele.

And even if this snowball does survive its ride through hell it is then the most anti drug former senator there is, Attorney General Jeff Sessions there to put it into implementation.

Because they aren’t allowed to yet. All licenses are state sanctioned, not federal so you can’t just jump states. You can’t take California weed and deliver it to Colorado for example because in the process you would be shipping an illegal drug across multiple states.

That’s the thing though. It’s going to stay hyper illegal to grow yourself even though you easily could. Look at the NYS law as a model. It barely legalized weed and gave distribution rights to ONE distributer in the entire state. Pharma is trying to have its cake and eat it to. Marijuana represents the threat to

I think Rubio is more dangerous than Trump. Rubio is a spineless party hack. He’d be under control of whatever special interest or nefarious chief of staff he had puppetting him. It’d be Dubya all over again. The country’s best hope right now is that Trump is incredibly bad at this and incapable of learning because

Exactly this. The plan is to do a bunch of really unpopular things that are bad for everyone but owed to their paymasters, hang the whole thing on Trump’s head because none of them are loyal to him anyway, impeach him around 2018 or a little after the midterms and then rely on America’s notoriously short term

Trump is essentially a living cartoon character so it makes sense. Kids simplify this stuff. And let them. It’s a damn shame Pickles has to spend his formative years in a time period when the President is a dangerous joke. But it is still good he is curious about this stuff and wants to imagine the leader of our

I’m not sure the republicans will even need the cover. How will their constituents even know the vote happened? Fox isn’t covering any of this. If you go to the their website almost every article is about how Scarsmucci is the James Dean of politics and he is going to shake everything up so hard and he is so handsome

The guy is a former POW who just found out he is terminally ill and he is being asked to support a bill for the sack of placating the ego of a draft dodging, pustulous sack of lying crap that called him a loser for being a war hero. It’s not intricate political chess. He just ran out of fucks to give at exactly the

I see this as simply the danger and cost of relying on emotionally disabled twelve year olds as a large share of your audience. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

His conscience was the growth they pulled out of his skull last year. The cancer had been attacking it for years.

The brain cancer would only make her stronger because she is, herself a cancer on our entire society.

You almost can’t blame them. Go to foxnews.com right now and you will find zero stories on the front page posted today about the fact that the healthcare repeal died today. They are literally being spoon feed a separate reality. It’s practically cultish.

The whole thing has been political theater since day one. They knew damn well they were never going to repeal Obamacare. They have literally no ideas for what to replace it with and absolutely do not want to shoulder the burden of risking implementing something and it failing. It’s much easier to blame the other guy

That loan forgiveness program is the reason I was able to buy a house and the reason I was able to have children. Fuck this silver spoon born, non-struggling ass, no nothing buffoon in her entitled, smug, rancid face hole.

The US has three branches of government and is designed in such a way that these branches check and balance one another, thus ensuring that no one branch is more powerful than the other. Now unfortunately, a very slight majority of this country has handed power of all three of these branches to one party (America

I had to student teach ten years ago in BK under this ancient lunatic who told a classroom of black children that because of political correctness she couldn’t call them negroes anymore and that Hurricane Katrina was gods wrath on New Orleans for condoning homosexuality. You seriously can’t make some of these assholes