
Flash Thompson Venom was a fine Venom. That book read like some Heavy Metal era fun weirdness. He was also great in Secret Avengers. His self-title book was not very good.

That’s enough to start the movie. Then fill it up by introducing She-Hulk, Jessica Drew, Squirrel Girl, America Chavez, Jessica Jones, etc. It would be glorious.

The magic blow uppy powers are canon. Brian Azzarello did a great run where it’s revealed that Wonder Woman has a lot more goddess level power than she lets on. She wears the gauntlets in order to keep them in check for fear of obliterating her more human/frail enemies on accident. In the comic she takes them off,

Wonder Woman wasn’t a perfect movie but that scene of her running through the “no mans land” made it at least better than Dr. Strange and Ant-Man (which also were not bad movies).

I love both these creators a whole bunch and love many things they have made. But the comic this is based off is not very good. It reads like Morrison is doing a “funny” Garth Ennis impression that doesn’t work very well

“Google wants to sell you a thousand dollar Chromebook”

Batman is married to his job and Selina is a strong, independent, career minded woman with ambition and goals. It’ll be a circa 90s romantic rollercoaster that ends in divorce and reveal Selina went evil or Catwoman’s temporary death or magic and reset back to stasis. See Black Panther and Storm, Clark and Lois,

I don’t have a participation ribbon but you can still have a star.

Well, at least in this case because they don’t go on any talk show that will have them, announce desperate bids and hints they are going to run for office again or look for any kind of attention they can get other than the attention they deserve.

There has been dozens of versions of Batman like that. Where do you think Snyder stole all his ideas from?

I’ll give you that is the greatest Batmobile though.

I’m seriously not trying to be that guy and I have read articles about it but I still don’t understand why iPhone X and that one Android phone are a thousand dollars. I actually interacted with the Android one (a friend of mine bought one) and other than having like a bajillion gigs of memory, I literally do not

They are gonna stay straight on this road until one of these shitburgers doesn’t make a bajillion dollars. Until WB stops making money they have zero incentive to change a thing.

My brother, his wife and kids in Tarpon Springs. He made sure to stop and say goodbye to his boat before hunkering down.

They look to be just your normal, average everyday clowns, as all clowns are simply living nightmares born from the despair that grows like a cancer in our hearts and minds.

As an alternative I’d like to offer my own plan for dealing with any clown in any form that I find to be elequent, effective and simple.


The ownership is on the author to communicate that and he doesn’t. Instead, the book reads like Art3mis needs to realize there are more important things in life than winning, like falling in love with your direct competitor that you barely know and forfeiting the thing you have worked your entire life towards because

This is what Fantastic Four on any screen should be. Unapologetically itself.