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Maybe, but at worst they have 2 of the top-10 players in the league. At best they have 2 players that are the #1 at their position and have the opportunity to add another max-contract level player.

Sixers Fan here: I feel like the Sixers should have beat the Raptors, but the Raptors were more likely to beat the Bucks (bc: Kawhi’s ability to neutralize Giannis); and both the Sixers and Raptors are better then this CURRENT Warriors team.

The subjectivity in itself is absurd. Celebrating “in the moment” right after scoring a goal is somehow thought to be bad, but actually planning and holding a parade to celebrate the accomplishment at a different time and place is generally considered acceptable.

f its 2 kids in the back seat the WRX would be a good get. It’s a quite fast and sporty sedan.

apple, meet orange

its subjective because no matter how much YOU may think your kid isn’t being an asshole, some other kid (or their parents) may think your kid is being an asshole for how they are celebrating.

I’ve been on both sides of a lop-sided shutout, across different sports, as a competitor and as a coach.

With this type of international competition, the goal is to determine what ONE team is the best. So as you said, not everyone can be the best or even be capable of being the best.  That’s perfectly fine; and kind of the entire point.

“good form” is arbitrary. I always want to continue to try my best against my opponent (and want the same from my opponent) because that shows more respect, then to be no longer trying.

celebrating after successfully scoring means you are excited about the thing you just did; and you think it was an accomplishment... as opposed to just shooting fish in a barrel.

(one of) The most disrespectful things you can do in sports is to stop trying against your opponent

The punch after the bell should probably have caused a point to be taken from Ferguson, but anyone watching knew where this fight was going to end up (save for a lucky strike from Cowboy). Cowboy slightly won the 1st round and was dominated by Ferguson in the 2nd.  Cowboy was “fine” right before he blew his nose as

Matt Ryan isn’t an absurd thought. But do you really want to have Rivers locked up for 6 more years?

You’re not wrong 

Me too. Can also confirm. Didn’t grow up here tho

In terms of Sports Teams yeah, but in terms of Geographical Regions, a small section is kinda-sorta New England-y. Basically the area along the Board of Connecticut has people that consider themselves New England-ish

I mean YEAH ITS CLOSE, but the rule seams to be correctly applied.  She was offside.  I don’t see what the problem is here.

Wentz was the #1 QBR 2 yrs ago and 12th this yr

The Eagles didn’t have a #1 Running Back last year. They had 2-3 guys that were good change-of-pace backs, but no real starting RB. Plus the playoffs were a crapshoot last season in the NFC.

It depends on the length of the sprints. Since he was 300 pounds (he probably was a lineman), his sprints should have been 10-ish yards (bc relevant to game conditions) with MAYBE a couple 50 yarders.