I get that rules are probably different if you “aren’t being detained”, but just because someone says you “aren’t being detained” doesn’t make it so (especially when they have detained you with handcuffs)
Wrangler Unlimited in whatever Trim level you find reasonable.
pretty sure he already new... because REASONS
I’m very intrigued by this, and if its the I6 (instead of the V6 as listed) and the mechanical’s check out it’s not an absurd price; but it’s still too just much
If he knew his Ex was going to be there, then he should absolutely be arrested. But if she wasn’t supposed to be there, then he got screwed on this one... still probably deserves it based on all the previous situations.
in terms of Value Over Replacement Player, Embiid has been the most important Sixer; because no other big man has been acceptable (if only they also had a hyper-athletic 6'10" guy that is good at scoring his points in the paint).
a Forester or Outback is EXACTLY what this person needs. They both have the same ground clearance and AWD so getting to and from the rocks will be the same.
The H2 was hideous pretty much from the moment it was created.
In all honesty, this is actually the most logical solution to the Cap/Mjolnir situation. Either he could lift it or he couldn’t. Since Cap proved he was able to lift it a smidge during Ultron, he essentially proved he could move it.
I’ve driven all of those you mentioned. The Ascent drives/accelerates pretty well! I wouldn’t say it’s FAST, but that’s because I was comparing it to my Forester XT (someone with a WRX could say the same about my FXT, and an STI could say the same about a WRX). The Ascent isn’t super fast, but it’s definitely fast…
It really comes down to sample size, even if you have 20 friends with Subaru CTV transmissions and 10 had problems (doubtful, its probably more like 2 out of 4) that’s still a very small sample size that doesn’t necessarily correlate to the rest of the population.
Currently drive the Forester XT, its the Turbo engine with the CVT. I have zero complaints with the CVT transmission. Sure, when the CVT is on the base engine it sucks, but that’s not the same situation as on the Turbo.
There is surprisingly a large crossover between ‘Subaru people’ and ‘Jeep people’. The only problem I foresee you having is finding one in your price-range. Both are great in the rain/snow, Jeeps are more capable off-road and Subaru’s are more capable on-road. But both CAN do either.
I don’t think Lowry intended to do that. Pretty sure he just panicked under pressure and lost the handle
It is a little over priced, but it’s not ridiculous. I don’t know exactly what that car is worth, but this one is probably at its peak value.
i thought it was called “Stock Car” racing; meaning it fundamentally is a car “in stock” somewhere available for purchase
Fighters follow a different set of timelines from most other athletes. They are getting hit in the head for a living, it can end at any moment for them.
Boston’s Big 3's best player was CLEARLY Garnett
Who has worse facial hair Pierce or Sidney Crosby?