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When a Great player does it (like Shaq) it’s perfectly fine, because we all KNOW they were Great.  When a very good player (like Pierce) does it, we all laugh at them

Unfortunately, Father Time had finished off Penn about 5 (or more) years ago. He’s one of the original Big Names so he kept getting matches against scrubs (which he didn’t fair to well against)

I find Doug to be quite annoying, but he does have some interesting things in his reviews. That being said, there’s a 0% chance I would enjoy spending more than 14 seconds with him

Lets just say him and his Fiance` were NOT YET MARRIED, couldn’t she THEORETICALLY just create her own wedding registry that didn’t include his name... and it would be completely legal for NCAA purposes?

Interesting thought: If the Sixers pull off the 0.7% chance and get the #1 overall pick.

It’s not like Action Movies are held to the standard of being a quality movie, in order to be fun/entertaining.

I can’t disagree with anyone that doesn’t want a Fumoto valve, but the convenience (and cleanliness) is completely worth it for me. But I could completely see some cars would have the valve stick down too far and would be a real danger of it getting hit/damaged.

Feel free to share you’re list.

my “big gadgets” are a fumoto valve, a creeper, and a set of plastic ramps.

I currently have ‘18 FXT and ‘98 Grand Cherokee; since I put the Fumoto on the FXT its about an easy of an oil change as it gets; the filter replacement can’t possibly get any easier. I could do it without lifting it but its quite tight, so I just use a basic set of plastic ramps (much safer then using a jack/stands)

This is harder to pick then I thought. Top 5 Action Movie Stars:

I dont think the problem was AWD, the problem was USING several hundred horse power on a very narrow road. It’s not that it CAN’T be done, its that it SHOULDN’T be done because there’s very little room for error.

There are 2 types of players that draw a lot of fouls:

So a brown Duster would be the equivalent to Jalop’s Forester XT


If you are going to spend most of your time driving and not sight seeing (outside of the car) then definitely get a convertible.

I would recommend some LED Strip lights around the perimeter, and then also on the inside edge of the hole. The lights being embedded on the cross would look cool, but being able to see where the perimeter of the board and where the hole is would be more functional... if you actually wanted quality of game play at

I would recommend some LED Strip lights around the perimeter, and then also on the inside edge of the hole. The

Marcus Smart’s flopping isnt changing the subject. He flops when there isn’t anything remotely resembling a foul happening just to try and bait the ref’s into calling a foul. When this happens on a consistent basis, it makes the ref’s look incompetent. The ref’s then in the future will be less likely to call fouls

Yours are pretty sweet. Here’s my homemade

Yours are pretty sweet. Here’s my homemade

Eagle Talon? 2 doors, Turbo, AWD