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    Been watching it with my wife and kiddo (age 6) and we love it. There really isn’t any kind of family adventure show on that’s as well produced. Lots of strong women role models for my daughter too. She cried when we finished the season 2 because there were no more to watch!

    The new Netflix show is AWESOME. Kiddo loves it and it’s smartly written so grown ups can appreciate it. Art style is pretty slick too. 

    If it takes off, it’s sure to get games to support it. And Soule is a comics writer too, so it seems likely he’ll be tapped to do some for this era.

    Yeesh. Seriously, though decaff can do wonders. 

    Google doesn’t use predominantly black. And the fact that Google uses primary colors doesn’t mean they have proprietorship over the palette.

    I SOOOOO wish they’d bring those back! Action Fleet has the distinction of being not only a great value for the price, but also really well suited for skirmish battles and tabletop RPGs.

    The Geeklet (age 6) and I use my old ones and a few I found on eBay to have regular tabletop adventures.

    I’m there or The Mando, but WandaVision is my most anticipated. Been fans of those two lovebirds since I was a much younger geekager. Here’s hoping it’s good and they have good writers do them some well-deserved justice.

    Can we all just agree that Captain Marvel was successful despite Brie Larson, because she was god awful.

    Great write up Rob! Birds def. deserve a shot at the big time. I’d love a dive into Oracle/Batgirl sometime and how DC decided to run with an (essentially) Elseworlds story development (her paralysis in Killing Joke) as a main continuity character development.

    You’re missing the point though—it’s to prove they could pull off something of this scale for a certain price tag. The gun battle was likely improvised to get something together quickly. Maybe they didn’t even have a fight choreographer on set to handle it due to lack of time.

    I’ve got that book too--it’s INCREDIBLE!

    Were those real people? I assumed they were Sith ghosts who were there to represent Palpy’s acculated power?

    Seriously, WTF. I can get on board with his point, but COME. ON.

    I missed Microsoft buying DoubleFine. That pretty much seals it that I’ll never see those Kickstarter rewards I shelled out for a few years ago that they STILL haven’t fulfilled. 

    Bravo--all the stars to this comment!

    It’s specific to gift cards. Did...did you not read the story?

    Not everyone has a bank account. And Amazon, historically, doesn’t accept cash through the internet machine gizmo thingamabob.

    At least Peggy began and ended her run in the actual MCU though. Out of those you listed, she has the best shot to return in some capacity. 

    I know it was just a kinja/posting error, but that photo posting 3 times in a row made me think it was a “spot the difference” game!