It’s crazy to think how stuff like this will be in the future. The biggest giveaway in this particular video is that it’s obviously not Barack Obama’s voice :)
It’s crazy to think how stuff like this will be in the future. The biggest giveaway in this particular video is that it’s obviously not Barack Obama’s voice :)
Hey thanks!
Absolutely - I love Steve, but he’s wrong for the part.
Or perhaps, catsturd, because yuck
Dang it, it’s going to be Reinhardt, isn’t it?
There is, people are just negative on the Internet :)
Afraid not, he only appears in The Lord of the Rings. The Silmarillion takes place way back in time, like hundreds and thousands of years earlier. Brad Dourif was amazing though, he nailed the part perfectly :)
Not to be confused with his other superhero persona from In Living Color...Handi-man. I like to bring this one up, because I think people tend to block it out of their memories but this is a thing that actually existed.
Yeah, it’s pretty good - the way their fried chicken breading tastes is unique so it’s hard to compare it to other fast food places. I hear it has some pickle juice and powdered sugar in there, along with a bunch of other ingredients.
At least Veggie Tales characters don’t interact directly with humans. At least not the last time I watched it...
I understand - you definitely have to “get into it,” and watch it in order. I remember catching an episode randomly back in the day and thought it was impenetrable...but now it’s one of my favorite shows. But don’t waste time on something you don’t enjoy, of course
Plus Elastigirl...just doesn’t work well with the Lego format honestly.
This isn’t an argument it’s just contradiction!
I live in between two small cities, and we have these in our theaters now :)
Agreed - he didn’t even look like a bear while shape-shifted. Like, could you guys look at a video of what a bear looks like before you make this movie? Plus everything ELSE wrong with it :)
I’ve got mixed feelings on it - on the one hand, it was 100x more interesting than anything else going on in Season 2, but it also did introduce a bunch of issues. 10,000 years wasn’t far enough back to jive with Roku’s “1,000 lifetimes” comment for one thing. He could’ve been exaggerating for effect I guess...
I always liked Audio Adrenaline, if for no other reason than for what might be the greatest band name of all time :)
Worked for Dane Cook :)
What powers you ask? I dunno how ‘bout the power of flight? That do anything for ya? That’s levitation, holmes. How ‘bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away...with mind bullets! That’s telekinesis, Kyle. How ‘bout the move you?