The Waco Kid

This is really cool. I’ll listen to this FOREVER

That’s awesome!

There’s a guy at my work who is in his mid 20s who never smoked a day in his life, then came to work here where it was more stressful than his old job. Lots of the older folks smoke on their breaks, so he gave it a try as well, and well addiction tells the rest of the story :(

Wow. I’ve read (and said) his name over and over again but never noticed until now. I’m sure there’s some sort of psychology behind that!

The Holodeck, of course

You’ll be given cushy jobs

Number 158 - a lot has been added below 100 now :)

It’s on there now, at the bottom, maybe there was a delay

I always enjoy seeing menus that encourage ordering from the kid’s menu...for example Cracker Barrel has that disclaimer that says “kids of all ages” instead of “12 and under” or something.

Honestly, the baby boomers are the source of 99% of complaining about Millennials.

Depends on your perspective a bit, black widows are more immediately dangerous but recluse bites are often misidentified until they go necrotic. Best to steer clear either way!

Maybe someone will have a negative reaction, but you’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.

I’ve made his Sloppy Dip a bunch of times! He’s the best. I really want to try his Torrone recipe, because it looks amazing, but I’m too nervous, since it’s kind of intricate!

Yes, you can, you can get a mount and do a few other things, but there’s not a lot to do once you hit that cap. You just stop earning XP basically.

Hmm, this ain’t bad - probably the best explanation for the whole endeavor yet.

There’s so many! Here’s a couple top-tier ones though:

Not to mention, another CCR song, Who’ll Stop the Rain?.

*adjusts glasses*

Maybe it’s a holdover from folklore, like with a suspected revenant or vampire they used to exhume the body, cut off the head, cut out the heart, then burn the body. Something about fire seems intrinsically connected to purification. Just a thought!