Richard Effing Nixon

I’ve had a nerd crush on Warren since her first appearance on The Daily Show, and followed her career since. All politicians try to tell you what you want to hear, but the thing about her (and Sanders) that I have liked the most is that they genuinely seem to believe what they are saying as well. I like Warren more

The only thing that has me disagreeing with the notion of lipservice, is the CFPB was a legit useful tool for dealing with predatory capitalist entities run amok. I think of payday lenders and car title loan sharks that targeted a lot of struggling folks, most black and brown, and the CFPB was a way to give voices to

This says more about you than her. Warren and Obama went against the banks, the Republicans, and some Democrats and created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is working for you whether you believe it or not. She said she would create it and she did. She doesn’t “walk back” promises.

Really keen answer, one that should get to the Blexit/5-Percenter/Hotep/Woker-Than-Thou crowd and also jab at the “Why aren’t you people going democratic socialist or further left” folks: no system of government is free of racism - racism goes beyond party and ideology. There’s some racist shit in democratic socialist

However, some of the brightest thinkers have long argued against the trappings of capitalism and believe the economic system needs to be tossed altogether.

I love Liz a little more each day.

Holy shit, it’s a yes or no question. At this point if you don’t answer it, I’m gonna assume you’re some sort of mentally deficient COINTELPRO agent...

Social Security was pie in the sky. Medicare. Civil Rights Act. The interstate system.

A potential boss, while having an informal interview with me, noticed my ring and asked if I was married. I responded that I was recently engaged, and he bluntly asked when I was planning on having the wedding and whether we were considering kids. I was fairly taken aback, since he was interviewing me for a legal

Well I know I’ve found my line. It’s a shame because I was really excited for Blizcon and shit but the only way businesses are going to learn to not bow to China’s authoritarian whims is if the customer base punishes them greatly for it. Some mouthbreather is probably going to come in to the comments with the tiresome

yes. there is a whole lot of “Well I got sexually harassed and it didn’t bother me so you should all quit complaining” out there.

Jeez. I don’t want to read anything you say. Take a chill pill, dude. 

This is why we need mandatory paid leave for BOTH PARENTS when a new child comes into the home, either through birth or adoption.

In an interview in 2006, with a government funded nonprofit: “so this is super illegal to ask, but do you plan on getting pregnant any time in the next 5 years?”

I feel like this is poorly understood and under reported. Working class white women voted for Trump knowing he was a sexual harasser because they don’t think sexual harassment will end, and it’s so common that they don’t think a President could do anything to counter it, and like, maybe they also feel like they

Did you not read what I said? Her not being removed due to pregnancy would have been the exception to the stated school rule. 

This - so much this! I’m an HR pro (and also a lawyer so I know the law), and there are still tons of way employers will work around these discrimination laws.  They find all sorts of pretextual reasons and create shitty environments where it’s just below the threshold for hostile work environment.  It’s not a past

A time-gated wasteland with illusions of grandeur and a touch of yesteryear’s love. I never thought I’d be the guy to shit-talk the game as it’s given me my girlfriend, best friends, and some of the fondest gaming memories I’ll forever have.

Does it just feed into the whole “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” ethos of non rich Americans or what?

Terrible idea. We need every base of support fired up for as long as possible. Picking a candidate to early will cause a huge drop off in attention from voters, that’s why coronations are the worst type of elections for establishment candidates.