Richard Effing Nixon

Unions create a two level system of “professionals” and “amateurs”.

Your problem is that you’re an adult who is expecting The Gamers to also act like adults and care about Adult Things like the ones you listed.
Sadly, the only thing that can get them riled up is hearing that a game might contain A Feminism or there’s a woman that they hate somewhere in the orbit of said game, or

There has never been anything resembling a good fight.

Similarly “Biden is the most electable” is never accompanied by citations. Both of these constructs/talking points are the creation of Republican “never-Trumpers” who want the Democrat to win, just as long as the Democrat is as centrist as possible.

Although critics find her style off-putting [Citation needed]...

It’s how most humans think. It’s called confirmation bias. We automatically protect ourselves by unconsciously discrediting evidence that contradicts our preexisting beliefs, and overemphasizing evidence that agrees with them.

What Biden supporters under 50 look like:

He has no political opinions because he wants the broadest possible swathe of Americans paying money to see his movies.

Logan sees women as handmaidens. Look how he treats his wife. Look at how long he’s taking to “groom” Shiv. Yup, she’s gonna get shivved herself.

Shiv grew up surrounded by men who looked to undermine her (her father) or downplay her abilities (her brothers). Tom is an average, but ambitious man from the Midwest who supports Shiv’s ambitions and pays her compliments on a regular basis. He is also someone who believes — much to everyone’s bemusement, including

I appreciate how non-white this casting is! Sure, the books consciously mixed up real-world ethnicities and cultures, but I wasn’t actually expecting that to come through on a tv adaptation. Pleasant to have my cynicism refuted.

Any hacker will tell you it was ridiculous for consumers to be so crazy about the NES Classic. It’s little more than a tiny Linux computer crammed inside a cool looking case. With a little cash and coding you can make a device that’s just as cool

Not Fast 10 Your Seat Belts?

How can you write Fast and Furious X when the title is so obviously going to be Fur10us?

Its purpose seems to be to inspire hostility between potential renters and suck money away from landlords that don’t feel like doing stuff landlords typically already know how to do.

Automation is good, we should not be trying to stop it, just need to make sure we all share in benefiting from what it produces.

“How on earth can they justify taking a cut of the rent going forward?”

“18:9" 2:1 in fact. I know that “the industry” adopts such weird names, but I don’t think anyone should buy it. Please, use normal being proportions like 2:1 no matter what bullshit “the industry” says. Same for “cleartype”, “retina” displays, “responsive” design and so on.

Because being paid for your work is a bad thing? I hate this notion that artists are bad if they want money for their work. The Warrens are scam artists.

I wonder if there are sufficient usernames that are regular words so that you could compose a short story in Twitter using only tags.