Richard Effing Nixon

Can capitalism exist in a racially homogeneous society? Of course it can, and has. Ergo, capitalism can exist without racism.

I mean, that's like half of Shakespeare, no?

What policies?

They are giving more time to Logain, which means that Elayne and Elaida will probably have more scenes as well since they all go together from Caemlyn to Tar Valon.

The showrunner addressed many of those concerns directly in a Q&A last year, and I for one was pleasantly surprised with the thoughtfulness that they'd approached it with.

Also not typically insular, having a rather unique history that the young protagonists are merely unaware of.

No, her character almost exclusively wears blue dresses. It’s sort of a political statement. As in the real world, there’s a red “team” and a blue “team” of sorceresses. (There are like 5 other colors too, but those two *really* don’t like each other.)

Well, it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, in which people *used* to teleport freely between cities. The main characters may come from a small town, but that small town was a major metropolitan area until it was destroyed in a war.

Furthermore, the racial and ethnic categories that we find in the real world are

These are also people of integrity!

The fact that his favorite movie is Avatar should tell you everything you need to know about him. Nobody’s favorite movie is Avatar. At best they think it was pretty good. It’s sole distinction is that it made a ton of money. He should have just answered, “I don’t like movies, I like money.”

I know a guy who says his foreskin grew back. I didn’t see proof, but I believe him. If he can do it, then Wolverine can do it.

Yeah but the issue is, you know those sites are full of shit. Joe Blow? Not so much.

Conversely, I have not hit any frame rate issues with my Switch.

Since you just answered a long-standing question I’ve had, namely, “who the heck uses that option,” I’ll answer yours. You can invert the Y axis. You can also invert the X axis. Invert to your heart’s content.

The politically correct term is “y’all.”


Don’t do it, Jason! This guy is barely repressing his stalker tendencies. If you indulge him in this fantasy he will expect you requite his unrequited affection.

There’s unmanned and there’s unmonitored. Those things will have security cameras inside and out, and in densely populated areas they’ll probably have someone who can intervene. If you puke in the cab expect a cleaning bill and a fine.

We should all aspire to be the kind of person who has their greatest person moment immediately before getting fired.

I write software for the travel industry. Our company president also gave us some weak sauce about this, then asked if anyone had ideas for how to make money off it.