
I dont drive when the roads are snowy or covered in salt but I have several videos of my C6 Grand Sport with the top down, heated seats on high, heater blasting full blast and wife with a blanket on her legs. We have a wind deflector that with the windows up it the cabin easily stays in the upper 60s

I made a 600 mile drive last summer on a Sunday (from the middle of Arkansas to the east side of Nebraska) that MIGHT have averaged a couple MPH over the max posted speed limit including 2 fuel/pee breaks and 1 pee break just off the freeway. I was in a Corvette and for a good chunk of the time in Arkansas and

My wife and I were talking about buy a Tesla a couple years ago but decided to keep driving the vehicles we had. Now you couldnt pay me enough to buy a Tesla.
I work in IT and its amazing how many people with Tesla’s sold them and have either bought a Polestar or even went back to an ICE vehicle just to avoid being

I was stationed at Ft Ord which bordered Laguna Sega and even in the 80s there were people bitching about the noise. My wife is from that area so we used to go back there every year or so and the number of houses was/is constantly increasing. My guess is in 10 years or less they will succeed in getting it closed down.

I bought a 93 MX-3 GS right before getting out of college in 97. I loved that car, but when my daughter got older, I had to upgrade to a Taurus SHO since the car seats didn’t fit (her mom had a Mazda 626, so until we finally broke up for good, I drove her car on the weekends). Also did a 400 mile drive home when

Or grandparents since the orginal came out in 1971

There are only four good things to come out of Nebraska, my late wife, my daughter and I-80 East and West. 

Apparently you have never been to BFE, NE. This abomination unto the auto industry would get you laid so many times an 18 year old sailor coming off a 6 month cruise would need Viagra after a couple days.

Stay off meth boys and girls.

Source I grew up around Kearney about 20 minutes away and lets just say several of

Probably not with a 20 year criminal record and if he did serve I promise you he failed out of basic. He looks like another one of those I would have knocked a drill sgt out if he got in my face wannabe little bitches. 

I was going back and forth between a Vette and Viper in 2020, finally went with the Vette 2012 GS convertible 6M just because the Vette is a little easier to do long trips in. But the next car will hopefully be a Viper

What we did for our kids was add them to our credit cards as authorized users. That way they had a credit rating, our 17 year old is on a credit card that her mom has had for 30+ years

I am seriously starting to think that Jalopnik hates electric car manufacturers. They shit on Tesla every chance they get (granted some, of it was warranted especially the comments about Elon) now they are complaining about Lucid. Waiting for an article about how Polestar is failing.
They are starting to sound like a

Token white guy here, my wife and I were just in London where EVERYTHING that can be a weapon is outlawed yet they had 2 people shot and killed in a drive by a few days ago. In the interest of full disclosure I own several handguns and have a CCW. 

Everyone I knew in Lincoln 20 years ago had a Weird Wally story even if they never bought a car there

I just traded my RAM EcoDiesel for Highlander Hybrid; neither of those is what I would call performance-oriented; I have a 2012 Grand Sport for when I need to drive the backroads, the top down with Jan and Dean singing Dead Mans Curve as loud as I can turn the stereo. I am 52, and my Vette is going to the Corvette

Don’t be using facts here Jalopnik hates that

When I was 12 lived with my mom, stepfather, brother and sister in 1973 Torino in Oklahoma for few weeks. We would go to a truckstop before school to wash up, brush teeth etc. We slept in a park that was used for gay meetups so cops were always driving through and would keep an eye on us.

Had 77 Charger can confirm as a 16 year old those both front and back seats had plenty of room for horny teenagers. 

My first car at 16 was a 1977 Dodge Charger, whoever owned it before me decided that it needed more power and put in a late 60's 440. Unfortunately they didnt do anything else. While long burnouts were always an option, things such as stopping, any kind of high speed handling etc were non starters. Add in a HUGE

I have a good friend who sells cars, makes 6 figures a year selling fucking Fords in Omaha. If you are such a crappy salesperson that you cant make a living wage then I hear Walmart is hiring.