
I actually did catch that joke about BoJack not being in the episode/show! Hooray!

I’ve never had any faith that Diane and Mr. Peanut Butter could make their relationship work in the log run. It doesn’t make much sense to me that she’d marry him in the first place.

And like, the books were fake. Which is a funny joke at first, but then you realize that he missed the whole point of why someone would want a library to begin with.

The library was just the final straw. A lot of stress had built up, and that was the release valve.

I just said to myself out loud “Donald Trump is President”, and I actually shuddered. I fucking shuddered. And then when I typed the word “President” (to see if it needed to be capitalized) his name and image automatically popped up on Google (as if to answer a question I never asked), and I let out a loud,

Yup, he’s trolling liberals by being unprofessional as fuck at the UN. Great move.

She was probably hurt before, but the gesture pushed her over the edge.

I really liked the reveal about BoJack and Hollyhock being half-siblings and I loved BoJack agreeing to do the show for Princess Carolyn. I didn’t want to watch PC on a downward spiral so I’m glad they seem to have resolved that arc.

Les, funny how you forgot the amount of neglect Diane suffered from Mr peanut butter, neglect that never can be fixed with a library full of fake books. She is completely right on feeling alienated.

Just *reading* about that ending makes me tear up. What a knockout ending!

Also, why are people so impressed by Trump’s name calling? It’s most a person’s name with a random negative word like “Lyin’” in front of it; it’s impressive if you’re 5 years old, but come on man, that stuff is just lame.

He went on to threaten that “we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea” should the U.S. have to defend itself against the rogue state.

Oooooh, the truncated quote removal of context counter argument technique.

We never had a white supremacist buffoon in office before now. America is a global embarrassment the longer this fool is in office. Every time he opens his mouth, he’s either putting us in danger or lowering our standing on the World’s stage.

Geez, it’s almost like Trump supporters don’t understand the basics of diplomacy, or understanding quotes in full context. But that can’t be true, right?

Yeah, because context doesn’t matter! ::eyeroll::

Not angry at all. Just disappointed in a fellow American who apparently can’t see through the orange clown’s bluster. What you’re quoting is a simple statement of fact, but it was not delivered as a threat. It was not said to intimidate or threaten during a speech on a world stage delivered by an incompetent leader

“Did you say the same thing when Obama and Clinton both have said what Trump said?”

They never said anything remotely as over the top idiotic as Trump and you know it. Neither has ever called for an entire country to be destroyed because of the megalomania of their leader. Obama and Clinton understand diplomacy, unlike the orange clown who is so used to people doing whatever he said because he paid

uh, it kind of almost was...