
Well, there goes the one remaining feature that makes this site still worth visiting occasionally.

Along with the stickiness, the “unique” smell is natto’s most distinguishing characteristic. That said, there are a number varieties boasting a more mild aroma and reduced stickiness that have started to be sold here in recent years (though since they’re typically more expensive, most people still buy the cheaper,

Seriously. I live in one of the parts of Japan where the majority of people like natto and eat it practically every day, but no one here would even think of taking it to work to eat for lunch. That would basically be the equivalent of being the jerkwad who brings fish in to the office and heats it up in the microwave.

But practically everybody left the A.V. Club almost two years ago.

Good review. To show my appreciation, I have turned off my Ad Blocker for this page.

That’s the way to do it. I first got into Sandinista! listening to it in bits and pieces in my Walkman back in high school (twenty minutes on the bus ride to school, fifteen minutes walking to the store and back, etc.) over the course of a few days. By the time I finished listening to both tapes, I was ready to go

Excellent tribute, Mr. O’Neal. Nothing less than an obituary written by a real fan would suffice in this case, honestly. Barely two hours ago I was professing my love for the Fall and realizing I have 41 albums’ worth of songs on my hard drive, and then I heard of MES’ passing. He’s been in poor health for some time,

Before or after you watch the show?

Well, the article was three sentences long, after all. You really expect them to get trivial details like how many years ago he passed away and the name of the special right?


Merry Shitmas, Miller:


Murray confirmed it on Twitter, I’m afraid. Frankly he deserves to be writing for a better site, anyway. Hope he’s able to find a new home.

Looks like it’s going to be the last one (Murray confirmed it on Twitter). Which, if I’m not mistaken, leaves Wiki Wormhole as the only worthwhile recurring feature.

I have, for over twenty years now. Her run of albums from Debut to Medulla is pretty much essential for me, and I have a bunch of her EPs and singles from the same period as well. Have to admit that Volta didn’t grab me the way her other albums did and I have yet to hear the ones that came after, but I’m sure I’ll

Not a chance in hell of it actually happening, but I’ve love it if he did a style parody of the Fall, complete with Mark E. Smith style vocals.

And here I thought we hit a new low yesterday with the commenter who posted a short essay on why bananas and granite counter tops are more dangerous than food preservatives in response to a Simpsons quote.

Since it didn’t get mentioned in the “major changes” I guess the underage sewer gangbang was left in, then?

And last.
