
Wait, I…

If anybody's listening, I wouldn't mind being reincarnated as a sea otter.


Comment/username synergy: 100%

"It Takes Two" is by Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock. Should have made a reference to "Paid in Full" instead.

Chuck E. Cheese?

From what I can tell, in Mohd's case all it took to become immune was a name change.

Come the Kinjapocalypse, those unlucky enough to survive will wish they had been fortunate enough to have died a long, lingering, painful death from Firsties-inflicted CancerAids.

Sorry, but Bruce playing a single acoustic number and then "plugging in" to play a set consisting mostly of material from Human Touch and Lucky Town with his adequate-at-best post-E Street Band was hugely disappointing - and the resulting album is quite possibly the least essential official release in his entire

Not that I recall, though I did listen to Are You Passionate?, This Note's For You and Life a few days ago, as well as the first two Buffalo Springfield albums. Looking forward to hearing Hitchhiker, even though most of the songs have already been released in one form or another.

If "painting everybody there as Nazis or racists is wrong", then I sure as hell don't want to be right.

Sounds like you're doing Stevie right. Talking Book was my point-of-entry and remains my favorite. I was a bit disappointed in Songs at first and I still don't rate it at highly at most people seem to, though this may be in part down to my expectations being built up too much. Music is definitely worth checking out;

How in the hell did I miss this? Two of my favorite soundtrack albums for one of my favorite movies - it's surprising how many people are unaware there even was a second volume. Great article!

"Didn’t We Deserve A Look At The Way You Really Are" was my introduction to Shellac and still one of my favorites, in spite of apparently being divisive (well, All Music hates it, but All Music hates a lot of stuff that I happen to like). Have a feeling I'll be playing Terraform in the next day or two.

Millennials, AKA Generation 55378008

Most of the songs on this list would have sent me lunging for the radio dial to change the station back in the day, but still it's an interesting idea for a playlist and a fun article. That said, the Weeknd song sticks out like a sore thumb on this list of 80's and 90's schlock, so why not switch it out for "It Must

"My Heart Will Go On" and "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing": If you teach English for any amount of time in Japan, sooner or later you will have to sing one or both of these songs in class and/or at karaoke.

Kinja is nobody's friend. If Kinja were an ice cream flavor, it'd be pralines and dick.

Probably best to just avoid any and all pop culture from now on.

Well, in protest I'm going to stop watching new episodes of the Simpsons. In fact, I'm going to stop watching new episodes of the Simpsons for the past sixteen years as well.