
Believe me, none of us media people want to do it, but...bills. And now that most media has laid off most of their writers and offered them only freelance jobs, you are going to see a LOT more of this. The editors are choosing the writers’ opinions now; and those editors are being told they need to get more

That’s maybe the most depressing thing I’ve heard today.

Having written for A.V. Club myself, I can tell you with fair accuracy the writer scored a few hundred dollars to pay rent, and he doesn’t agree with the take he was asked to write.

Calm down, people. Having written for A.V. Club myself, this is one of those pieces they pay someone to write simply because they want a very specific take on it, in order to stir up something with the readers. I once was asked to write a “hit piece” for A.V. Cub about a top director, simply because the editor

Truly one of the most embarrassing articles this site has ever run. Rock bottom shit. And I cannot tell if the author actually believes what they’re peddling, or if they’re just being a troll trying to get traffic for a site that used to matter by becoming the exact thing it avoided being for years.

My god. Ok, you won, I gave you the click that you wanted. But I really had to comment on this.

When Marty is gone, and an entire body of work steeped in the belief that toxic masculinity is the organizing principle of the cosmos is reassessed, it will be interesting to see if his highly personal oeuvre can stake the same claim.

Logging in after 5 years to say that this is the most embarrassing thing I’ve read on this site. A once great site full of Dawes memes has been reduced to this. How shameful.

Legitimately the dumbest thing I've ever read on the AV Club, and I've been here a horrifyingly long time. 

This halfway rèads like satire.

Like, it has to be satire right?  There’s no fucking way somebody could write that paragraph thinking it’s a valid opinion...

That last paragraph is a doozy! 

I hope this article has brought you exactly as many hate-clicks as you expected, because after the dust has settled, it’ll have been the only material effect it will have had on the world.

Thinking of writers like Ignatiy, Sean O’Neal, Emily Vanderwyff, etc trying to wrap their heads around an article minimizing the importance of Martin Scorsese...  it just doesn’t compute.

This website is just pure dogshit now, huh?

This might be the most pathetic thing written and posted to the AV club.

This is obscene and insulting and awful. AV Club’s brand should be ashamed it was even published. A man who fights for young filmmakers, has been a key voice in cinema from the 1960's to now (Wolf of Wall Street was a key film and it’s insane he made it in his 70's) is thrown to the wolves because he questioned the

Scorsese is 80 years old, and it galls him to know that the Marvel films through Avengers: Endgame represent a signature cultural event in the cinema of our time. When Marty is gone, and an entire body of work steeped in the belief that toxic masculinity is the organizing principle of the cosmos is reassessed, it

This site used to be such an important voice in film and television. Very sad to see where it is now.
